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Thread: Wild one

  1. #1

    Wild one

    Hi all....
    > >>>I got all frustrated doin my sat down and
    > >>>collected these from my friends.
    > >>>These are real PJs on elephants. They are absolutely
    > >>>whackers. Any one with a weak heart or who is prone to
    > >>>heart attacks are requested not to read.Those with
    > >>>blood pressure, please avoid. But never read only one.
    > >>>The effects are cumulative
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: How do you stop an elephant from charging?
    > >>>A: Take away his credit card.
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: Why is an elephant big, grey, and wrinkly?
    > >>>A: Because, if it was small, white and smooth it would
    > >>>be an Aspirin.
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: Why did the elephant fall out of the tree?
    > >>>A: Because it fell asleep.
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: Why did the second elephant fall out of the tree?
    > >>>A: It was glued to the first one.
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: Why did the third elephant fall out of the tree?
    > >>>A: It was a copy cat.
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: Why did the fourth elephant fall out of the tree?
    > >>>A: It thought this was all a game.
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: And why did the tree fall down?
    > >>>A: It thought it was an elephant.
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: What does an elephant and a blueberry have in
    > >>>common?
    > >>>A: They're both blue, except for the elephant.
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: What did Tarzan say when he saw 1,000 elephants
    > >>>coming over the hill?
    > >>>A: Look, there's 1,000 elephants coming over the hill.
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: How do you shoot a blue elephant?
    > >>>A: With a blue elephant gun, of course.
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: How do you shoot a red elephant?
    > >>>A: No, not with a red elephant gun. You strangle him
    > >>>until he turns blue, then shoot him with a blue
    > >>>elephant gun.
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: How do you shoot a green elephant?
    > >>>A: Tell him a dirty joke so he turns red, strangle him
    > >>>until he turns blue, then shoot him with a blue
    > >>>elephant gun.
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: How do you shoot a pink elephant?
    > >>>A: First you bake a cake, and put 3 raisins on top,
    > >>>then you take it out in the jungle where the pink
    > >>>elephant will find it, and you wait. Eventually the
    > >>>elephant comes along, finds the cake,eats the raisins
    > >>>and throws the cake away. Then you go home and bake
    > >>>another cake and put 2 raisins on top, take it out in
    > >>>the jungle where the elephant will find it. The
    > >>>elephant comes along, finds the cake, eats the 2
    > >>>raisins and throws the cake away. You go home and bake
    > >>>another cake and put only one raisin on it. Then you
    > >>>trek back into the jungle and put the cake where the
    > >>>pink elephant will find it. The elephant comes along
    > >>>eats the raisin, and throws that cake away.Now you go
    > >>>home and bake another cake, but (here's the sneaky
    > >>>part) you don't put any raisins on it. You take it out
    > >>>into the jungle where the elephant will find it and
    > >>>lie in wait. The pink elephant comes along and finds
    > >>>the cake, he gets SO mad that there aren't any
    > >>>raisins on it, he turns red, then you jump on him,
    > >>>strangle him until he turns blue......and you shoot
    > >>>him with a BLUE ELEPHANT GUN!!!
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: How do you shoot a yellow elephant?
    > >>>A: Aw, come one, have you ever seen a yellow elephant !?!
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: Why do elephants have red eyes?
    > >>>A: So they can hide themselves better in cherry trees.
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: Ever seen an elephant in a cherry tree?
    > >>>A: No? See how well the trick with the red eyes works?
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: What time is it when an elephant sits on your
    > >>>fence?
    > >>>A: Time to get a new fence.
    > >>>
    > >>>Q: Where does an 8 ton elephant sit?
    > >>>A: Any damn place where he pleases!
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>>hmmmmm... how do you feel..............

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Stupid elephant he he :-)

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Lmao! I dont know if its just my mood im in, but I was dying with the elephant and aspirin one. You're the best! Friend thought it was funny too!
    What do you get when you cross a nun and a penguin?
    An operating system that won\'t go down on you.

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