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Thread: Articles for Newsletter #11: Insight

  1. #1
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Redondo Beach, CA

    Articles for Newsletter #11: Insight

    I'm still looking for articles for the next issue. The deadline is January 9th, 2004. Send them to me via PM or via email -- with Antionline Insight #11 in the subject line. Articles are to be original and not published elsewhere (spoils the surprise!). Generally, any format will do: word, open office, text, rich text (although plain text is preferred as it is easier to work with and easier to format).

    Generally, preference is for security articles but articles on other items that help in the knowledge and understanding of computers are welcomed. Sometimes the path to "best practises" is via the longer route.

    If you have any questions ask away.

    Hope everyone had a good holidays and best wishes for the New Year. (Maybe we might have fewer viruses and worms)
    Goodbye, Mittens (1992-2008). My pillow will be cold without your purring beside my head
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2003
    how about IDS this is part 1 of 3 :

    i should have part 2 done by the deadline but i do not guarentee i will be done with part 3.

  3. #3
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Redondo Beach, CA
    I'm still looking for articles for the next issue. I'm in a bit of a dire need (and am just assuming holidays is what's causing the lack of articles). I have one or two articles thus far and would like to see more.

    Social engineering, IDS, honeypots, etc. would be great topics. Heck, even opinion pieces would be welcomed.

    If I don't get more, I may have to delay this publication for a week or two.
    Goodbye, Mittens (1992-2008). My pillow will be cold without your purring beside my head
    Extra! Extra! Get your FREE copy of Insight Newsletter||MsMittens' HomePage

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