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Thread: Hardware programming

  1. #1

    Hardware programming

    hmmm... i was wandering what it was called to write programs that interface with hardware. I wanted to interface my own circuts with my computer and it seems the only way to do this would be with software, but what would i search for???
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Drivers. They basically would take operating system or application commands and instruct the hardware based on that. Most drivers for PCs are written in C/C++.
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  3. #3

  4. #4
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    Look at your hardware's assembly programming language. For Intel architecture (and AMD) look at Intel assembler language. This is the category of language just above machine language (010101000011010...). It will allow you to have the most direct control possible over the hardware. If you can interface your circuits with a parallel or serial port then you can use assembly to sent and receive data through the ports.

    Also, if I'm not mistaken C also provides some functions that can interface directly with the hardware as well.

    Unfortunately I'm not too sure where you can find this information. Maybe some else can help you out with that.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2002
    I just came across this link:

    Basically it is a program that will let you communicate over your parallel port. Hope this helps!
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