January 10th, 2004, 08:02 PM
Find a Mod/Admin
Okay, wel all know that if a user has a problem, they can report the problem to a mod/admin
Either I'm stupid and can't find this or it would be useful if the member search had a function to list admins and mods.
Edit :
I know there is the report button, which goes to all mods, but I don't want to press it because I don't know what it will do.
Do you get the chance to write a comment about why you are reporting the post.
Also you may want to talk to a mod about a problem, not necessarily relating to a speciific post.
IT, e-commerce, Retail, Programme & Project Management, EPoS, Supply Chain and Logistic Services. Yorkshire. http://www.bigi.uk.com
January 10th, 2004, 08:05 PM
Well, if you hit on Users Online, you will see Mods and Admins highlighted accordingly (assuming they don't hide themselves like I do).. 
But perhaps a listing of Mods and Admins would be good.
January 10th, 2004, 08:08 PM
Originally posted here by MsMittens
Well, if you hit on Users Online, you will see Mods and Admins highlighted accordingly (assuming they don't hide themselves like I do).. 
But perhaps a listing of Mods and Admins would be good.
Yeah, that's true.
This came up because I was curious as to who exactly all the mods & admins are (not 'cause of any problem, just because I'm a nosey sort of person) couldn't and wondered about the newbies trying to gel help with a problem
IT, e-commerce, Retail, Programme & Project Management, EPoS, Supply Chain and Logistic Services. Yorkshire. http://www.bigi.uk.com
January 10th, 2004, 10:02 PM
And yups, you do get a chance to write a comment when you report a post
January 11th, 2004, 02:38 AM
It took me a while to find it.. but I had pm'd someone a list long ago.. before mnstrgrl joined the staff.. ( /makes note to ask for search within pm feature)
here the profile list with mnstrgrl added to the top.. she does most of the "fixings" 
mnstrgrl (admin)
Intmon (admin)
Jupman (admin)
LordB (admin) but isn't here too much
phernandez (admin) contact for the spotlight info only
MsMittens (mod)
Negative (mod)
Ennis (mod)
Terr (mod)
note: the mods can only perform mod duties within certain sections. (read that Terr and Ennis)
edit 2&3 : thanks to negative for pm'ing me.. I forgot one admin.. lol
and thanks for the correction MsMittens.. and thanks memory.. for reminding me that I had forgotten yet another admin. now, is there anyone else I forgot ?
January 11th, 2004, 02:45 AM
note: the mods can only perform mod duties within certain sections.
Yes and no. Mods like myself and Neg have mod duties across all forum sections. Other mods are limited to certain sections.
January 11th, 2004, 04:55 AM
sumdumguy you forgot one
he mostly gives us updates on the Security Discussion Spotlights on EIT.
January 11th, 2004, 05:15 AM
dang it.. i dun did fergit him didn't I.. ? 
thanks Memory.. I guess I'll add him to the list and yes.. everyone should make note that he spends most of his time with the Spotlights. So don't bug him about anything unless it's to do with his job.. :P
/SDG.. spanks neg for not catching this mistake too.. lol
January 11th, 2004, 03:27 PM
I think its worthwhile pointing out what forums me and Terr mod as I am forever getting PM's asking me to look into threads in other forums.
Me- General Chit and Newsletter Forums.
Terr- Addicts.
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