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Thread: Mac Assembler

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2003

    Mac Assembler

    #1. Does anybody know if an assembly compiler for panther (mac) exist yet?

    #2. Does it amtter if it runs on mac or unix?

  2. #2
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
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    Redondo Beach, CA
    Google is extremely powerful. You should use it:

    Mac OS X Assembler Guide: Intro

    MacBang Assembler Page
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2003
    The Mac OS X Assembler Guide: Intro link does a great job talking about the assembler code and teaching it, but it doesnt even give a link or name the assembly prgram it uses. It just says PowerPC and i386, and both of these are pieces of hardware (I believe) and not the actual program.

  4. #4
    um, yes it does say what the assembler app is

    This chapter describes how to run the as assembler, which produces an object file from one

    The assembler is "as".

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