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Thread: imesh and others broadcasting my ebay password!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    imesh and others broadcasting my ebay password!

    i have been reading as much as possible on the site since last night when i saw this site on the screen savers. I am glad i did. I just installed zone alarm (free version) this morning. I am trying to configure it and have had some trouble, but im getting there and will probly be able to find more about it somewhere in here. Anyway the issue i have is that when i run imesh it starts trying to send my ebay password to a whole crapload of IP addresses. Zone alarm alerts me like every 3 seconds, as soon as i say no to one, the next one tries, over and over endlessly. How can i stop this madness. I have already emailed ebay telling them to delete my account. Oh and i almost forgot, i think when i tried to send an email it did the same thing, trying to send my ebay pass to some IP, i was emailing zipzoomfly as a reply.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    If I were to take what you’re saying verbatim id have to say you have a virus/Trojan. But I can’t. Why are you saying it’s sending your ebay password. Firewalls don’t have packet sniffers so how do you know what’s being sent. What kind of anti-virus software are you running? You could have spyware or as they like to call it “marketing research tools” reporting on your internet activity. Im not ruling out a virus but really, please give more information. Lastly, what in hell is ‘screen savers’.

    it would be very helpful if you could post part of your firewall's log file with your ip address 'X'ed out.
    Bukhari:V3B48N826 “The Prophet said, ‘Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.’”

  3. #3
    AO übergeek phishphreek's Avatar
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    Lastly, what in hell is ‘screen savers’.
    It is a show on TechTV. Gore said he was watching it last night and it was on the "tip of the day" or something like that with "Sara? on there and had the page pulled up.
    I don't have techtv... so I couldn't tell you all the details.

    Ah, yes. Here it is.

    Sarah's Web tip: AntiOnline
    In today's world, you have to protect your home or corporate network. If you're new to network security, visit AntiOnline. The site has tutorials, tips, and suggestions you can use.,00.html

    Old one with AO as "site of the nite",00.html
    Quitmzilla is a firefox extension that gives you stats on how long you have quit smoking, how much money you\'ve saved, how much you haven\'t smoked and recent milestones. Very helpful for people who quit smoking and used to smoke at their computers... Helps out with the urges.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Info Tech Geek's Avatar
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    So what your saying is... Once you installed ZoneAlarm you picked up some traces of your ebay password being pushed out? Did you know about this before ZoneAlarm? How do you know it is your ebay password? Are you having problems with your ebay account (Fraudulant Activities, Rating Problems, Auction Problems)?

  5. #5
    The Doctor Und3ertak3r's Avatar
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    I am sorry that the answer is Blunt..


    I am not sure how you can tell that your ebay password is being sent.. perhaps the ZA popup message .. just that I have never seen it say that..

    As Imesh is a p2p client/server on your computer a number of people are connected to your machine and yours to others. You may find that the ZA is stopping your machine from connecting to the other servers to D/L your music/pron/files. Imesh will hammer the firewall trying to connect to the server to carryout your requestss and ZA will block it at all turns..

    but please, as I asked earlier, explain what makes you say it is broadcasting your "ebay Password"


    <edit> Must upgrade typing skills from 2 finger hunt and peck to 3:
    no replies when I started typing..
    "Consumer technology now exceeds the average persons ability to comprehend how to use it..give up hope of them being able to understand how it works." - Me

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    I have a feeling that this individual is having problems with his Ebay account and trying to use the information to cover something up. Such as my information was hacked and they used etc to do it. Unless he was using a sniffer of some sort, I don't see how he could pull the information to know what was in the packets being sent. Sorry if I wrong, but it makes little sense and your originally post goes from thank god I was able to install zone alarm to my ebay account is being hijacked.

  7. #7
    Why are you saying it’s sending your ebay password. Firewalls don’t have packet sniffers so how do you know what’s being sent.

    Unless he was using a sniffer of some sort, I don't see how he could pull the information to know what was in the packets being sent

    explain what makes you say it is broadcasting your "ebay Password"
    First, software firewalls are all packetsniffers. That is the only way they can find what packets mean what, and how to drop them. Second, Zonealarm uses that packetsniffing filter to check for your ebay password. In setup, it has the option for you to put in sensitive information that you don't want escaping your computer no matter what(ie passwords, names, cc#'s, etc). A primary default setup is for it to ask what your ebay password is, and it will monitor it. If something tries to send text == to that password for ebay purposes or whathave you, zonealarm alerts you and halts that packet transfer.

    It does the same thing with all outgoing programs, altering you to outgoing traffic, what it is, and if you want to block it or not.

    EDIT: I can't believe someone negged the origonal poster because they didn't understand how Zonealarm works, and assume that because he knows his ebay password was in danger, they assume he is up to illegal activity or covering something up. Seriously now...

  8. #8
    Senior Member Info Tech Geek's Avatar
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    Good Info PST,

    I use Agnitum's Outpost and my Wireless Router/Firewall. I have not had much experience with Zone Alarm, but you say it does a word search for outgoing contect? I should look into this more. Does this content hit if you log into websites and is it allow once or always per site or per instance?

  9. #9
    The Doctor Und3ertak3r's Avatar
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    software firewalls are all packetsniffers.
    ahhhhh.. not realy..
    simply .. most software f/w only check the prog and port.. they dont check the contents.. A sniffer records ALL the packet details..

    EDIT: I can't believe someone negged the origonal poster because they didn't understand how Zonealarm works, and assume that because he knows his ebay password was in danger, they assume he is up to illegal activity or covering something up. Seriously now...
    I agree... I could see nothing wrong with the post..

    "Consumer technology now exceeds the average persons ability to comprehend how to use it..give up hope of them being able to understand how it works." - Me

  10. #10
    Originally posted here by Info Tech Geek
    Good Info PST,

    I use Agnitum's Outpost and my Wireless Router/Firewall. I have not had much experience with Zone Alarm, but you say it does a word search for outgoing contect? I should look into this more. Does this content hit if you log into websites and is it allow once or always per site or per instance?

    It does a text search in all outgoing packets, as well as incoming. In the zone alarm settings you can also tell it Which sites are okay to use that information, which sites banned, and whether to notify your or block by default. So that options as to what site it hits on and what sites are allowed is 100% up to you. In the case of the ebay password, zonealarm knows by default to check the URL and an SSL connection because of the configuration they included into it, so it knows what is ebay and what isn't already Even then, you can fine tune and configure that.

    A sniffer records ALL the packet details..
    All software firewalls are packet sniffers This is because they have to check incoming as well, and that means checking ports that packets are addressed to. The only way for software to know what ports is either to be the OS IP stack, or have a packet filter. Since windows is the IP stack, all software firewalls MUST be a packetsniffer to catch incoming data before windows. Sniffers don't mean they log, it means they sniff for readability and parsing inside the firewall program.

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