Hi again everyone...

I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind suggesting which LMCompatibilityLevel registry setting is best for me? I'm using XP Home 5.1.2600, dial-up internet, and I am not connected to a network.

It's found in:

Key: System\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA
Value: LMCompatibilityLevel
Value Type: REG_DWORD - Number
Valid Range: 0-5
Default: 0

And the possible settings are:

0 - Send LM response and NTLM response; never use NTLMv2 session security
1 - Use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated
2 - Send NTLM authentication only
3 - Send NTLMv2 authentication only
4 - DC refuses LM authentication
5 - DC refuses LM and NTLM authentication (accepts only NTLMv2)

I'm thinking maybe setting #3 is the best? Since it's more "secure"? Or should I just leave the setting at the default value of 0?

Thanks again!