Victim: hello this is MR. Iknowitall VP of sales how can I help you?
SE: Hi this is john smith from the IT department I'm calling because we have had some unusual activity coming from your workstation in the last couple of days.
Victim: What kind of activity?
SE: well sir it appears that some one has been trying to access restricted data with out clearance form your workstation.
Victim: that’s not possible I’m the only one who uses my computer.
SE: Have you been having trouble accessing anything lately sir.
Victim: well now that I think of it last months sales figures don’t seem to want to come up when I try to get to them.
SE: sir does this happen regurly?
Victim: yes it seems to happen every month for the first couple of days.
SE: I think I see the problem here sir your username does not have permission to access
The most recent sales data until the public release date…that’s not the way it should be set up sir as you are the VP of sales you should have the data as soon as it is available.
Victim: Well what can you do to fix this?
SE: well sir there is nothing I can do over the phone as I have to have access to your
Logon in order to fix the problem but I assure you I can send someone out to fix the problem next week.
Victim Next week! I need those figures sooner than that!
SE: I am sorry sir but that is the soonest I can get someone to you.
Victim: This is unacceptable I need that info sooner than that.
SE: well sir with out your user name and password there is nothing I can do and you know it is against company policy to give that out. Some one has to be physically present to make the needed changes; they should only take a couple of minuets of your time.
Victim: Look I need access sooner than the can you just help me this once?
SE: sir I’m not really supposed to do that.
Victim: look I carry a lot of weight around here as VP of sales if I say its ok then you can do it.
SE: Well ok sir just this once what’s your password and user name?..........................

I have seen the above work once the sucker was reeled in like a fish that just wrote his suicide note.