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Thread: I need help!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    I need help!

    I just downloaded an Iso Knoppix, and I went to go get on and the internet won't work! I heard you have to config. it but I'm not sure how to can anyone explain to me wha the problems might be or how to config. my interent, yes i do have a ruter if that matters. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    well i also downloaded knoppix just yesterday or 2 days ago..time passes by so fast lol
    ...anyways i think you need to click the 2nd icon on the bottom...i think its knoppix and go to setting
    i also have dsl and all i had to press is yes yes yes and it asked me for my username and password and that was all...weird cause i had no OS on my hard disk was empty but it still connected me...try that
    hope it works

  3. #3
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
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    5carface, FYI, please post once. If you need a thread moved, contact a moderator.

    Did you visit Knoppix's Documentation to see if they had the answer first?

    What kind of network card are you using?

    Does it detect the network card?

    Do you use private addressing (ie., addressing behind the router)?

    Have you tried manually setting an ip address using ifconfig eth0 <ip> mask <subnetmask> as well as ifconfig default gw <gateway address> and then setting the DNS addresses in the /etc/resolv.conf or perhaps tried dhclient command to get dhcp addresses (assuming your router is a dhcp server or that you have one on your network)?
    Goodbye, Mittens (1992-2008). My pillow will be cold without your purring beside my head
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  4. #4
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    I'm using an external network card.

    I tryed that one thing go down to Knnoppix (2nd icon) and I went to Insernet and it had a lot of connect to's loike pope or Isden I don't know which one to connect to I have comcast cable internet. I hope this is enough information.

  5. #5
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
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    ..external network card
    What kind of external network card? The type can be helpful for people to help you.

    I went to Insernet and it had a lot of connect to's loike pope or Isden I don't know which one to connect to I have comcast cable internet.
    Do you have a router behind the comcast modem?
    Goodbye, Mittens (1992-2008). My pillow will be cold without your purring beside my head
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  6. #6
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    yea I got a router behind it and think network cable is an Microsoft link/atc

  7. #7
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
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    Microsoft link/atc
    That's the model name of the network card? Is this a wireless or wired card? You might need to use a different card if this is a Microsoft specific NIC. I have a feeling that it requires Windows only software and it's very possible that there are no drivers for this NIC.
    Goodbye, Mittens (1992-2008). My pillow will be cold without your purring beside my head
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  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    So it won't work, its wired

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    well, when you run Knoppix of the CD, it really doesent set up your network configurations because its running on the CD. When you actually install it on the hd, the installation process usually asks you about network configurations and all that near the end of the set up.

    I am not sure (new to Linux also) how to setup the network off the CD...

  10. #10
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
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    Actually, Knoppix should setup network configurations (usually DHCP works well). I've done Virtual sessions with it using a variety of computers. That said, the fact that the card is USB and that it's a Microsoft specific product makes me think that Knoppix (or any other distrobution) won't work.

    Although there might be a possibility if 5carface could provide more detailed information on the card. Perhaps a driver could be found if we knew exactly what type of card it was.
    Goodbye, Mittens (1992-2008). My pillow will be cold without your purring beside my head
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