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Thread: SCO Offers Reward for The Mydoom Author

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    SCO Offers Reward for The Mydoom Author


    Looks like sco are getting there own back.

    Time to start examining message headers.

  2. #2
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
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    United Kingdom: Bridlington
    It is sad Mark?

    I can remember when the Santa Cruz Organisation were respectable

    I guess that a lot of members here had not even been born, or were in nappies (diapers)?

    Ah nostalgia!


  3. #3
    Senior Member Info Tech Geek's Avatar
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    Vernon, CT
    Did Microsoft ever find the guys they put a bounty on?

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    IDEA !!!

    I propose we all post the time of the first infected e-mail recieved.

    we then take the very first one and we each get a crack at examining it for computer generated forensic evidence.

    What say you community ?

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Did Microsoft ever find the guys they put a bounty on?
    Nope, My cat is still at home and I know he used my P.C that day. I'm semi-sure he wrote the virus.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Info Tech Geek's Avatar
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    I think this bounty stuff is garbage.

  7. #7
    Developer Extraordinar
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    Well, it could be, but when SCO does something like they pulled with Linux, IBM, and tons of companies that have enough money and power to put them under, or buy them out, and they attack Linux, which is now a very major OS, wether Microsoft, or SCO will admit it, they can expect to be attacked, verbally, and by attacks such as this. It doesn't suprise me that they put a bounty on the person responsiable. Why? Because no one likes being attacked, and when a virus is written like this to attack a certian website, on a certian date, that could force it offline, a company is forced to make choices, such as a $250, 000 USD reward for catching the person responsiable.

    Now, I'm not saying SCO is a good company. After there deal with Linux in the past year, I doubt I'll use SCO's UNIX unless I need to.



  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Mon 1/26/2004 4:55 PM

    that was when i got my first one, but i bet thats way late. I'm getting pretty tired of hearing SCO in the news... But then again, most of whats in the news is old news...
    Ron Paul: Hope for America

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    I am going to e-mail sco. I know who wrote the virus.

    Its actually years old.

    Remember independance day. Well I do.

    The virus was written by Jeff Goldblum

    He wrote it with a cool 3d skull graphic which attacked alien operating systems.
    (Explains why its going after sco)

  10. #10
    SCO probarly wrote it themselves and forgot to change the address to "evil linux systems"

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