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Thread: Newbie Programming Forum

  1. #1
    Ninja Code Monkey
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Washington State

    Newbie Programming Forum

    Although it would mean the programming sec forum would see even less traffic than it already does....

    I think it would be helpful if we had a 'Newbie Programming Forum' where people could easily find the 'what programming language should I learn' threads and ask questions along the lines of the stl question I answered earlier today that was moved to gcc - . It would also be a good place to toss those computer programming class questions that are not really security related.

    Maybe pop it up top right next to the Newbie Security Questions forum....
    "When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes." - Erasmus
    "There is no programming language, no matter how structured, that will prevent programmers from writing bad programs." - L. Flon
    "Mischief my ass, you are an unethical moron." - chsh
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  2. #2
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    Redondo Beach, CA
    Or even a general programming forum. Or perhaps renaming Code Review to Code/Programming discussion so we could have both code created by AO members reviewed as well as discussions that might help members create new programs/apps.

    I think it's a good idea.

    Now if I can just get some of the Senior members to remember to post general, non-security posts in the non-security forums..
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  3. #3
    Yes, that's my CC number! 576869746568617's Avatar
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    Dec 2003
    I'd go even further by dividing it up kinda like this:

    BASIC/Visual Basic/VBScript Programming

    C/C++/Java/Javascript Programming

    HTML/XML Programming

    4GL Programming

    Assembler and other Old-School Programming

    Perl/Python Programming

    Just a thought

  4. #4
    Ninja Code Monkey
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Washington State
    I wouldn't divy it up by language.

    I think something along the lines of:

    Newbie Programming Questions

    Programming Security

    Code Review

    Would be perfect. Anything beyond this is overkill...not enough people come here and actually post in the code forums to really break it up any further. Most people (including myself) treat Programming Security as a general programming would be nice however to be able to keep the 'what language should i learn?', basic cs class project questions, and noob programming questions in a noob forum.
    "When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes." - Erasmus
    "There is no programming language, no matter how structured, that will prevent programmers from writing bad programs." - L. Flon
    "Mischief my ass, you are an unethical moron." - chsh
    Blog of X

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