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Thread: McDiet?

  1. #1
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
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    This is really scary. The society today is looking for fast fixes and one of those on top is Atkins. I've noticed that Subway has started marketing to it and I suspect that Harvey's in here in Canada (only burger fast food chain that grills their burgers, AFAIK -- the others "microwave" or fry their's) is also targetting Atkins "users" with their Big Harv (huge ass burger). This little experiment might be enough evidence to put any further quashes on lawsuits by individuals against the Fast Food chain for obesity. However, I wonder if it opens the door for a potential lawsuit on the quality of the food (I suspect -- this is entirelly a guess and has no scientific fact -- that there is an enormous amount of trans fats that were affecting his system).

    What ever happened to simple? I enjoy McD's occassionally (eh. I like the fries) but in small portion and once in a while (at most once a week but more likely once a month). I got the link from the website where I frequent as well.

    Full Article

    January 22, 2004 -- LAST February, Morgan Spurlock decided to become a gastronomical guinea pig.

    His mission: To eat three meals a day for 30 days at McDonald's and document the impact on his health.

    Scores of cheeseburgers, hundreds of fries and dozens of chocolate shakes later, the formerly strapping 6-foot-2 New Yorker - who started out at a healthy 185 pounds - had packed on 25 pounds.

    But his supersized shape was the least of his problems.

    Within a few days of beginning his drive-through diet, Spurlock, 33, was vomiting out the window of his car, and doctors who examined him were shocked at how rapidly Spurlock's entire body deteriorated.

    "It was really crazy - my body basically fell apart over the course of 30 days," Spurlock told The Post.

    His liver became toxic, his cholesterol shot up from a low 165 to 230, his libido flagged and he suffered headaches and depression.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    yeah. saw that and the pictures too. Good for him, at least, to show that junk food as the only diet choice is death.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Well to tell you the truth I onced worked at a fast food place when I was 15. [ Worked for about a year there. ]

    In reality the only thing the owners care for is "MONEY". They dont care about your health all they care about is seeing how many times they can get you to come back to spend more of your hard earned money.

    Another thing people are too "lazy" to cook so instead they just decide to go to McD, BK etc etc .... to get someone real quick .....
    Operation Cyberslam
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  4. #4
    Yes, but a person is responsible for their own health. The fact that retards can sue[SP] on account of their own ignorance is beyond me. The children who are to fat because they "did not know," or the woman who did not think that hot coffee between the legs would hurt and those types of things. Common sense. Giving money to the fat person will not make them thin. Giving money to someone, who has hopefully ruined their ability to reproduce, Is not going to fix that. If my brother gets killed with an ax from a hardware store, can you sue them, or the axe maker? If I jump of a roof and die, can I sue the roofers, or roof makers because I was a dumbass? What the hell is this. Lawsuits are a way for ****tards to get money. People like that need to be extradited[SP] and shot in the back of the head. Errr...



  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    If my brother gets killed with an ax from a hardware store, can you sue them, or the axe maker?
    Apparently you can. But of course this lady is so stupid to even try it.

    Sniper victim families sue gun maker, retailer

    Note: This news is a little old. But I just used it to answer your question.
    Operation Cyberslam
    \"I\'ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.\" Author Unknown
    Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit
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  6. #6
    AO French Antique News Whore
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    Aug 2001
    Can we sue a bug for living? Why not?
    -Simon \"SDK\"

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