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Thread: Mac Hardware Question

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2004

    Question Mac Hardware Question

    I'm not sure where I read this, but I was informed that Macs use a trinary system, not binary. Just wondering if this is true. I know PC's run by binary, but prefer Hex, but are fine since Binary is 4(.5), or half of 4. Any information on the Mac's processing?

    Also, I have a theory as to why Macs are considered so powerful, if there is a different, hardware related reason, lemme know...

    Anways, I think that the only reason Macs are considered so powerful is that the GUI was built for the mind-capacity of 4 yr olds, hence, using none of the power within the machine. Not to offend you Mac users out there, though, I know I just did, but I feel like I'm using DOS' compared to MS Word XP. Mind you, I dislike MS, as well. I mean, like EDIT, it has many hidden features, but is very simple. MS Word puts em all in front of you, with a few exceptions such as VBA. All that power is behind the steering of a single-button mouse. Tsk Tsk. More Linux distros need to be ported to teh Mac, then, and only then, would I use a Mac for more than just sheer curiosity.

    I see the Mac as analogous to the Sega Drreamcast. It had a great design, and allegedly awesome power, but the power is never harnessed.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2003
    Any computer runs binary, the only thing it can send is either power or no power.
    So that's only 2 possiblities.
    The above sentences are produced by the propaganda and indoctrination of people manipulating my mind since 1987, hence, I cannot be held responsible for this post\'s content - me

  3. #3
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Redondo Beach, CA
    What about quantum computers? Aren't they a "send power", "send no power" and "send power and send no power" kind of concept?

    Also for info on "Trinary Computer Systems" check out this
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