February 15th, 2004, 09:56 PM
Senior Member
win xp pro parallel port
I am new to Windows XP Pro, but I bought it with my new computer.
I have a gameshark for a video game system that can plug in to the parallel port on a computer. I downloaded the required software, but it says it only works with Windows 95/98 and ME. So I plugged it in, and I changed the compatibility mode to Windows 98/ME, and selected "turn off advanced text services.." and "disable visual themes."
So, the program starts up ok, but it cannot communicate to it through the parallel port (it says it doesn't respond). Now I am running this program under my userame which is the administrator, but I am wondering if there is anything else in XP Pro I need to enable in order for this to work...
Either get busy living or get busy dying.
-The Sawshank Redemption
February 15th, 2004, 10:03 PM
I have come across this sort of thing before...........I am afraid that the device is not supported in XP. "Compatibility mode" is only for software , not devices.......and is pretty hit & miss
The best I can suggest is to google for a driver for the device, you might be able to get a third party one? Is the equipment manufacturer in business still? they might have the software.
February 15th, 2004, 10:11 PM
If for some reason, you can't get it to work... another option would be to dual boot XP with 98 or ME. If you have the free space...
I've had to do that because of older devices that the manufacturers have gone out of business and no third party came up with drivers for the newer operating systems for those specific devices.
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February 15th, 2004, 10:12 PM
You will probably find that the Parrallel port mode is incorrct..This is not a Windows Setting.
this will require you going into the motherboard BIOS and normaly in the Chipset Settings (depends on the Mobo) there is a setting for Parrallel port mode.. normaly this is best in EPP mode, but sometimes EPP + ECP will work..
Trust this helps..
"Consumer technology now exceeds the average persons ability to comprehend how to use it..give up hope of them being able to understand how it works." - Me http://www.cybercrypt.co.nr
February 16th, 2004, 12:49 AM
Senior Member
Originally posted here by phishphreek80
If for some reason, you can't get it to work... another option would be to dual boot XP with 98 or ME. If you have the free space...
I thought of that too...but do they still sell Windows 98? If so, where?
Either get busy living or get busy dying.
-The Sawshank Redemption
February 16th, 2004, 01:12 AM
Try the small ads in your local computer magazines (local = USA ) or ask at you neigbouhood computer store. You might even get a second hand copy.
phish~ is right....people still want it to run old games and devices. I would recommend 98se, as I have had compatibility issues getting 98 to load on some hardware.
I am afraid that you have a problem though, as I suspect that XP will want the 9x OS to be loaded first? I know that NT4 and W2K do. I have never tried to dual boot an XP device, but some sort of third party partition management tool might let you do it the other way round?
Good luck
EDIT: If und3rtak3r's suggestion does not work you might try:
get the WIN2K drivers, they sometimes work as XP is NT/W2K based?
February 16th, 2004, 09:48 AM
Originally posted here by yanksfan
I thought of that too...but do they still sell Windows 98? If so, where?
You can probably find it on eBay - I know someone who picked up a copy for £48 (~$90) recently.
February 19th, 2004, 10:45 AM
Hey yanksfan .. howz it goin?
hasany of the replies helped?
"Consumer technology now exceeds the average persons ability to comprehend how to use it..give up hope of them being able to understand how it works." - Me http://www.cybercrypt.co.nr
February 19th, 2004, 09:11 PM
Senior Member
Well...they helped as much as they could.
It seems the only thing I can do is to buy Windows 98 off of ebay and dual boot...
Thanks everyone
Either get busy living or get busy dying.
-The Sawshank Redemption
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