So....I haven't posted anything in like 3 months but I've been around.... Since I haven't seen anybody else bring this up: I was wondering what people think about Mel Gibson and this new movie coming out in a couple of weeks called "The Passion of Christ" (most people 'round here shorten it to just "Passion"). I just watched an interview between Mel Gibson and Diane Sawyer on 20/20 and for once they didn't make all of Christianity look like complete idiots. Mel Gibson produced it so they couldn't screw him over with some obscure thing he said, which I thought was brilliant on his part. It also didn't hurt that he actually knew what he was talking about and doesn't have any prejudice issues or some crap that they usually use to crucify (no pun intended) whatever Christian they're putting on TV. After seeing that, I'm actually excited about the movie coming out. What does everyone else think/know about all this?