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Thread: Passion

  1. #51
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2003
    the writings of Pontius Pilate
    lets append a couple more : Talmud, Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, etc.
    Operation Cyberslam
    \"I\'ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.\" Author Unknown
    Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit
    Proyecto Ututo EarthCam

  2. #52
    Jesus died for our sins.

    So that we could recieve the eternal life, and not the eternal death wich was what previously used to be.

    Why did God send Jesus and why diddn't He just do it Himself?
    God made a promise to Adam and Eve(wich means all humens) that if they eat from the tree in the middle that they would die(wich means not having eternal life ,not in heaven nor on earth).
    Jesus was sent to take away all our sins(death), so that we, again, could live forever,but only if we believe.
    Jesus came to earth as a human, to die as a human, so that the human can be relieved of his eternal sin(death).

    So why do I still have/commit "sins"?
    Before Christ, it was "sins" that kept us from Heaven.
    When Christ came He said that only through believing in God(Father,Son and Holy Ghost) would one recieve eternal life.
    The fact He didn't talk about sins(at the time He said this), has been enterpreted by as:
    A sin is something that takes your believe in God, away.
    This leads to the next question.

    What is believe/believing in God?
    Believing in God mean:
    *To believe the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are all ONE being(all think/feeling alike) with 3 persons.
    (a "person" means something/someone that can feel/think for itself)
    *To believe He exists in a world beyond ours.
    *To believe He has an force/influence here on earth.
    *To believe that what He said/says(Bible) is the truth.

    By having sex before mariage, stealing, gambling...etc, you are not respecting what God ASKED us to keep away from, thus you are not believing in Him(thinking God wont do anything to you), thus taking your believe away from God, thus sinning.

    DON'T sin,
    DON'T support this movie
    Beware, you who seek first and final principles, for you are
    trampling the garden of an angry God and he awaits you just beyond the last theorem.

  3. #53
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    Memphis, TN
    I'm gonna go see this movie.

    mel is already gonna do really well with it, and I'm happy its gone over this well.

    handzcleanx I believe in God, but don't see anything wrong with gambling really. I mean whats wrong with it? Your not disobeying any of the ten commandments.

    So that we could recieve the eternal life, and not the eternal death wich was what previously used to be.
    We never had to have eternal death handzcleanx. The thing that changed after christ died on the cross, was that all we had to do to be forgiven of sins was to pray to god and accept him into our heart. Before he died, one had to sacrifice a burnt offering to him.

    Why shouldn't I support this movie?

  4. #54
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    central il
    Originally posted here by !mitationRust
    bballad, please go back and read carefully this time, your making yourself look, well .......uneducated as usual. Ask yourself this question, where did anyone state that hebrews of that time were rich. gee I'm just not seeing it, this must be a language issue because you could not of possibly been reading my post.
    Sorry you just called them "filthy jews" again leave your antismeitism at home thats a quick way to get booted.
    Who is more trustworthy then all of the gurus or Buddha’s?

  5. #55
    Senior Member
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    central il
    Originally posted here by Agent_Steal
    lets append a couple more : Talmud, Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, etc.

    Comeon guys the rightings of Pilot have long been shown to be a hoax, Josephus dson't mention jesus and nethier do the dead see scroles (the group the josephus was with and betraed). Not sure on the rest, sent a note out to a friend in greek lituratre to see about their reliability. Also be careful commenting on greek or greek traind historians (most of the romans) they made it a rule to never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
    Who is more trustworthy then all of the gurus or Buddha’s?

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