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Thread: Fatal error of mplayer....need help

  1. #1

    Fatal error of mplayer....need help

    Fatal error......mplayer

    Hei, I have been installed mplayer and its running too in GUI. But the problem is that it can't play DVD/AudioCD....
    When I put DVD into dvd-rom its automatic open by mplayer in GUI, and a window of fatal error open.

    Fatal error: Could not intialize video filter(-vf) or video output(-vo).

    And when I want to play Audio-cd using mplayer, this error is comming: Seek Faild
    any way to resolv this.....????
    Hello Dear..

  2. #2
    AO French Antique News Whore
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Your CD-Rom seen to bad. Can you run Audio CD with other program other that Windows Media?
    -Simon \"SDK\"

  3. #3
    Hello,,, DVDs and Audio CDs are running in WindowsXP, but not in Linux....
    Hello Dear..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Your CD-Rom seen to bad. Can you run Audio CD with other program other that Windows Media?
    Please pay a bit more attention to what your replying to SDK!

    avols143 I've tried to replicate your problem, but I don't seem to be able to. I don't know why, my mplayer doesn't even start-up (then again I've never touched it before so its most likely not installed, but still has its icon there). As for playing CD's then I would check your alsamixer in terminal mode to make sure that the CD isn't muted (this will be displayed by 'MM' above the fader). If thats all good then the next best thing I can suggest is checking your hardware. Check weather or not you have a cable going from the ROM to the sound card, this shouldn't be the case if you're using a newer version of XMMS as it has just added a digital audio extraction feature allowing you to bypass the old method.
    It might help if you told me what Linux you're using.

  5. #5
    Dead Man Walking
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Was mplayer installed when u installed whatever distro you have chosen? it would also help to know wich distro you are using. For example i had all sorts of problems with playing various multimedia in redhat 9 but have had none such problenms with slack. This is a shot in the dark but are you sure you have all the proper codecs installed?

  6. #6
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom: Bridlington

    Hello,,, DVDs and Audio CDs are running in WindowsXP, but not in Linux....
    Zombie has it for me........................why should Bill Gates give away anything that works with *nix???? it is "Windows Media Player"???

    That is where the problem is IMHO


  7. #7


    I am using Fedora Linux(Core1).. And I think it has no support for mp3 too......ufffff
    Hello Dear..

  8. #8
    Dead Man Walking
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Okay well you may have to manualy install the mp3 and mpeg video support. I had some problems getting video to work but the mp3 went pretty smoothly. check out the various RPM sites to find what you are looking for.

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