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Thread: iis stopping

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    iis stopping

    this is my problem:
    i have a windows server 2003 with iis on it. all seems to be working well until i installed sql server 2000 standard. after installing, i ran sql2k sp3. after i reboot, the iis runs for a few seconds then stops. i would need to run it again manually everytime the pc reboots. have you guys experienced this?
    this might be a blaster issue.
    do you know how i can fix this? please help

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2004
    Windows?, Microsoft?, What ? you expect it to work correctly ?

  3. #3
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
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    United Kingdom: Bridlington
    i have a windows server 2003 with iis on it. all seems to be working well until i installed sql server 2000 standard. after installing.................etc
    Does your machine know what it is supposed to be running.............because I don't

    If you are messing around with OSes then I suggest that you reformat and reinstall each time.....doze is never "clean" in my experience.


    EDIT: not my area of expertise but this might be a problem?

    installed sql server 2000 standard. after installing, i ran sql2k sp3
    On top of 2003?

  4. #4
    Master-Jedi-Pimps0r & Moderator thehorse13's Avatar
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    What does the event viewer say? Did it generate a Dr.Watson log? Run the Drwtsn32.exe and look near the bottom (application errors) for existing dumps.

    You didn't give much to go on. Let us know if you find anything in the logs.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    yes windows. and yes microsoft. and yes people here will tell you that we are using windows too for our clients. we've been using it for quite some time (10yrs) and it has fed our families eversince. now tell me, is that bad?

    it was just suppposed to be a webserver with sql2k on it. i didnt even messed with the os. i tried hard to make the system as 'clean' as possible. if you have tried it already, win2k3 is a bit 'cleaner' than win2k. your solution is a bit time-consuming and i might even have the same problem after reformat so i am looking for another way. this is a live webserver already and clients are already using it (stupid of me huh).
    yes sql2k over win2003.

    it doesnt show up why on drwatson nor the event viewer why it shuts down iis server. i read in a forum somewhere that this might be because of blaster issue, which says i should install urlscan and iislockdown. but those does not run on win2k3.

    if it is indeed a blaster issue, maybe i am missing out something.

  6. #6
    Just Another Geek
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    Rotterdam, Netherlands
    As far as I know SQL2000 isn't supported on Win2003.
    Oliver's Law:
    Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    it is on windows server 2003

  8. #8
    Just Another Geek
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    Rotterdam, Netherlands
    Odd. I can remember a popup stating the OS isn't supported when I installed SQL2000 on Win2003. It's been a while though.
    Oliver's Law:
    Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

  9. #9
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
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    Redondo Beach, CA
    Interesting. This other thread seems to have the similar problems. Perhaps you guys can compare notes and see if anything is similar.

    Perhaps a patch, update problem?

    Maybe this is a worm issue?
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  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2002
    Originally posted here by cf_jet

    it was just suppposed to be a webserver with sql2k on it. i didnt even messed with the os. i tried hard to make the system as 'clean' as possible. if you have tried it already, win2k3 is a bit 'cleaner' than win2k. your solution is a bit time-consuming and i might even have the same problem after reformat so i am looking for another way. this is a live webserver already and clients are already using it (stupid of me huh).
    yes sql2k over win2003.
    For someone who wants help, you sure are testy and short with a lot of the respected members here. I suggest a rapid change in tact, as you a) have no established reputation here B) are asking for help and are critical of the answers you recieve and C) I personally think you should show a lot more respect to senior members.

    Just my .02 cents.
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