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Thread: monitor ->TV

  1. #1

    monitor ->TV

    what do i need to see all i got on my monitor also on a tv?
    is it a cable or adaptor?

  2. #2
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom: Bridlington

    If you want to see what is on your monitor on a larger TV screen you need a video card with "TV Out" capabilities and the cable that connects the two.

    Be careful, this will probably not work with older or cheap TVs you might need some sort of box to connect them like in the old days The TV doesn't have the connections.

    The main problem I have encountered has been cable length and the location of PC and TV...........might be worth while talking to the guys at the TV store, as you might have to get a cable made up for you..................measure your distances first.

    If it is anything like the UK where you are, don't try the PC store...............they will sell you a $200 video card with a six inch cable and think that it is "donkey rigged"

    good luck

  3. #3
    AO übergeek phishphreek's Avatar
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    Jan 2002
    I tried to do this with my PC at home using an s-video cable. It sucked... I couldn't get the formatting/resolution right... I was doing it right from the video card to the tv. I was trying to do it on a 27" tv...

    Then I got and it works great.

    Don't know what you're looking to spend on it though... but its great for sitting across the room, playing video games, dvds, etc. Just make sure you have a wirless mouse/keyboard too. The presentation keyboard/mouse combos work well for me. Small, comfortable, etc. You may want to output your sound card to your entertainment center too...

    I have everything all hooked together. You should see this mess of wires... lol
    But, it is kick ass!

    EDIT: I lied... I have
    Quitmzilla is a firefox extension that gives you stats on how long you have quit smoking, how much money you\'ve saved, how much you haven\'t smoked and recent milestones. Very helpful for people who quit smoking and used to smoke at their computers... Helps out with the urges.

  4. #4
    i was asking it mostly for a friend today but i was also curious and damn i didnt know its that expensive there like just a regular cable or something (no adaptor) ??

  5. #5
    AO übergeek phishphreek's Avatar
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    Jan 2002
    The problem I ran into was a driver issue. I could get it to display... but only at 640x480.

    I wasn't able to get it to fit the whole screen (through svideo or av cables) and I couldn't find any drivers to use. It only displayed part of the screen. If I moved the mouse around, the desktop on the tv literally moved up and down.

    If you find another way to do it... let me know.

    BTW: I even tried to do it into the VCR, reciever and etc. All with the same results... on two tvs. My buddy has a tv screen that has the vga adapter built in.. but it is made more for a large "tv computer monitor" rather than a tv. It doesn't even have a place to run the coax. You have to run the cable into a VCR, then AV or svideo out to the "monitor". Its a nice size though... 32"... but, the thing is huge... I don't have where to put it at the moment. Maybe I'll grab it off him later down the road when I have more room.
    Quitmzilla is a firefox extension that gives you stats on how long you have quit smoking, how much money you\'ve saved, how much you haven\'t smoked and recent milestones. Very helpful for people who quit smoking and used to smoke at their computers... Helps out with the urges.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2004
    Now Days many video card are avialable of manufacturres like asus and creative which come with a vga plus the tv out ports and if you want you can get multiports for tv out like AV, S-video, RF out ports but if you want to see the stuff on both monitor and tv then you have to buy a card with splitter function

  7. #7
    Old Fart
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    My Geforce4 has a composite video out jack....great for movies or videos downloaded off the net, ok for gaming but sucks ass if you're doing email or word processing. The key is to set your secondary display as a full screen device....that way you can start a vid and have it playing on the TV whilst having it mininized on your moniter allowing you to "multi-task".
    It isn't paranoia when you KNOW they're out to get you...

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