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Thread: Whole Computer

  1. #1

    Whole Computer

    I was today in the networking class to see what they were doing and the guy showed me some ipconfig stuff which i already knew but what most interested me was that some students made their own computers and they were badass with neons and like 10 fans ...i am thinking about taking that class in junior year (next year) and during the class year we will read 4 big books ....but what i am interested right now would be all the componens required to make a very good comuter....with neons, couple fans, motherboard, hard disks, power suply etc...also the switch to control the fans and light would be awsome....what are all of the componens needed and about how much would it cost (am thinking about making it a server also)?
    thanks in advance

  2. #2

  3. #3
    AO Decepticon CXGJarrod's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Another good forum:
    VH Forums


    Frozen Cpu for case mod supplies
    N00b> STFU i r teh 1337 (english: You must be mistaken, good sir or madam. I believe myself to be quite a good player. On an unrelated matter, I also apparently enjoy math.)

  4. #4

    Talking hmm

    Originally posted here by DeadAddict
    And this one will make you say WTF???
    Now i loved this link, thanks DeadAddict, i couldn't stop laughing.
    Me thinks i might try making one of those machines, crazy but practical.


  5. #5
    damn deadaddict where the hell did you find that crazy thing would the guy actually get his stuff out of there lol...but hey one advantage is that he does have a lot of room...just needs some more of that stuff whatever it is called to put it in

  6. #6
    Senior Member DeadAddict's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Glad to see you guys got a laugh out of it I think I should of posted that in tech humor and give it the title "The Computer Mod from hell"

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