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Thread: Help!! My laptop is sending around 700,000,000,000 packets

  1. #1

    Help!! My laptop is sending around 700,000,000,000 packets

    Please help.

    I am using WinXP home edition. When I look at the Local Area Connection Status. I can see 700,000,000,000,000 Packets sent, and only 5,600 Packets received.

    I disable system restored.
    I have AV scanned using Norton, then McAfee. It found nothing.
    I have used The Cleaner, Ad-Aware, Spybot, TDS-3. They found nothing.
    I looked in regedit at the location "run" and there is nothing.

    Is there a trojan, worm or is my computer a Zombie?

    What should I do?

    Please help.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Info Tech Geek's Avatar
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    Vernon, CT
    Did you run Netstat? Try loading a firewall and see whats outgoing/incoming? How long has your system been up and connected. This number does not self-reset during use.

  3. #3
    Yes, I used netstat already.

    I also connect it to my LAN, and on my other PC's firewall log shows, that the PC si trying to do Netbios Probe.

  4. #4
    HeadShot Master N1nja Cybr1d's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Boston, MA
    please try not to restore it yet. Can you please make a log and see where those packets are going. I have a feeling it might be one of the zombies DDOSing merijin. Can you please paste some pics of your logs?

  5. #5
    I can't post the firewall log on the Internet.

    Because this laptop is inside our corp firewall.

    But when I look at the log, I can't see anything strange which is outgoing.

  6. #6
    Will Zombie Zapper help?

  7. #7
    I'd rather be fishing DjM's Avatar
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    The Great White North
    Originally posted here by hongkongdragon
    Will Zombie Zapper help?
    What Cybr1d is trying to determine is if you are a zombie which is effect sites discussed in this thread:

    Posting some of your logs may help him and, in turn, help those who are currently under attack.


  8. #8
    Hi, Thanks to all who replied.

    I managed to get rid of this problem.

    I uninstalled the nic and than reinstalled it, and this problem never happened again.

    Prior to that I installed ethereal on that laptop and sniff the network. To see if that laptop is sending anything. The result was that it wasn't sending anything at all.

    So maybe it was just a driver problem.

    Thanks again!!

  9. #9
    HeadShot Master N1nja Cybr1d's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Boston, MA
    LOL what a dissapointment ...well, glad to hear that its not something serious.

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