What AntiOnline IS:
AO is a worldwide community of security, network and computer professionals, students and keen amateurs who come here to learn the principles and details of computer/network security.
AO is a place where the community share their knowledge to help the others learn and where people assist each other with identifying and mitigating security issues as they pertain to the many real life situations faced by us all.
What AntiOnline is NOT:
AO is not a place where the community's knowledge is used or passed on to others in order to carry out illegal or immoral acts.
AO is not a place where you should be asking how to exploit/damage/attack any system that you do not own nor have the explicit permission of the legal owner.
What can you expect from AntiOnline:
You can expect to be treated in the same way you treat the AO community.
If you understand what AO is and is not, you can expect to be helped and to help others learn the art of computer/network security.
If you request information in a way that implies your intent is illegal or immoral you will receive a rapid response from the community that may ban you from continued participation.
Please feel free to look around but before you post a message please read the FAQ carefully. Many subjects have been covered on AO in it's years of operation and most of the discussions are still relevant today so please search before you ask.
Welcome again to AO and we hope your stay here is as fun for you as it is for our numerous members.