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Thread: batch tactic?!!

  1. #1
    the beign of authority kurt_der_koenig's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Smile batch tactic?!!

    In High School we have a novell network! A crapy one at that! They even let you use the admin. tools. I was able to close my friends g drive(the preassigned drive they let us use)! And password security is at a null! You can guess about half of them and the other ones you don't know you can look in the .pwl files! Now lately I have been playing around with batch programing! Oldschool I know but I found a weakness! I guess... I made a batch file and programmed it to open different programs( like ms-dos, explorer, etc!). Now I can surf the web, make files, etc! Of course you can figure out the rest! Without signing on!!!! I know you need a account first but like I told before you can guess about half of the school! Now is this the fault of my school's stupid admins or novells? both maybe! I guess noone cares about internal security!

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Redondo Beach, CA
    Uh no. I get to say closed. That's why I have that fancy little title..

    kurt_der_koenig, as interesting as all that is, what you have and/or may be doing is a tad unethical, possibly illegal and I'd hazard to guess, definately against your school's policy. Regardless of their security "level", it doesn't mean you should necessarily break in. I'd humbly suggest you stop the path you're going down and look towards more useful activities, like how to secure things rather than break them.

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