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Thread: Microsoft to make Longhorn vulnerability-aware

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Microsoft to make Longhorn vulnerability-aware

    Microsoft Corp. is working on security technologies for the upcoming Longhorn release of Windows that will protect users against security threats by monitoring system and network behavior as well as the security patches that Microsoft has issued.
    We'll see how this works out.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    May 2003
    Hmmm. I am skeptical of how well that will work. How much extra overhead will that require for an OS to be functioning as not only the OS, but an IDS, and a Software Validation System all the time?
    Tim Potts
    Network Analyst

  3. #3
    -looks at his system resources-

    My Windows machine: Snort, firewall, antivirus. Running at 10%. So it would be 10%

    My Fedora machine: snort, tripwire, firewall, antivirus. Running at 8%. So it would be 8%

    There you have it. Also, do not forget Longhorn is requiring a minimum or 512MB of RAM, which I thankfully see going up to 600+ minimum required. It's about time we had an OS that took advantage of newer computer systems.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    May 2003
    Originally posted here by pooh sun tzu
    -looks at his system resources-

    My Windows machine: Snort, firewall, antivirus. Running at 10%. So it would be 10%

    My Fedora machine: snort, tripwire, firewall, antivirus. Running at 8%. So it would be 8%

    There you have it. Also, do not forget Longhorn is requiring a minimum or 512MB of RAM, which I thankfully see going up to 600+ minimum required. It's about time we had an OS that took advantage of newer computer systems.

    Good point. But will the integrated apps, work as well as the ones you are using?
    Tim Potts
    Network Analyst

  5. #5
    Yes, I could almost guarentee it. I beta tested SP2 which has the included Firewall ICF upgrade, and it is so well done and optomized, that I have no need for ZoneAlarm Pro anymore.

    I would be willing to bet that the future applications will be just as good as 3rd party capabilities. Why? Because Microsoft is good at inventing yes, but even better at seeing the ideas other people use and improving drastically upon them.

    I look foward to the compartmenalization coming soon.

  6. #6
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
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    United Kingdom: Bridlington
    Also, do not forget Longhorn is requiring a minimum or 512MB of RAM, which I thankfully see going up to 600+ minimum required. It's about time we had an OS that took advantage of newer computer systems
    If by "take advantage" you mean "pull a fast one" OK otherwise I take the view that I put a Gig of RAM in my boxes to run my applications, NOT Microsoft bloatware.


    I think that the Software Validation is no more than a glorified check for updates? like it will run once per session, rather than be a constant overhead (unless you have a memory leak?).

    I am surprised about the memory requirement though...........I guess that longhorn (fata$$) will not be upon us for some time, as it will have to wait for the millions of lower spec machines to flush through the system...........hey, I know local government outfits that are still running Win95 and Win98 they can't even get to XP, and they are funded by local taxation, which involves local politicians...............

    Is Bill Gates the new King Canute?

    Just a few thoughts

  7. #7
    If you use 1 Gig, that's horrible. XP in itself uses approx 120 Megs of RAM. I wouldn't mind if an OS used 500 megs of RAM, because that's 500 megs of RAM for all my other applications.

    In that 500 megs, I can run adobe, Morrowind, Mozilla Firebird, Foobar2000, Apache, PGP, and have a Virus scan going without any slowdown.

    Newer PC's can handle it, people just refuse to fill up the RAM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
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    Newer PC's can handle it, people just refuse to fill up the RAM.
    Yes, they do...............welcome to reality old chap

    "People" is generally the Finance Director (EVP Finance) or some such "bean counter"

    I have fought this battle for many years and seldom won I personally equip a machine with adequate resources, Corporations look at the bottom line.......THEIR'S, not Microsoft's

    Remember, what is £65 ($110) to me is £650,000 to them..............their nice fat cat bonuses depend on the bottom line..............they look after themselves...........or they obey political masters?

    I am not saying that you are wrong (other than my XP uses about 256Mb with firewall, AV etc), only that you are unrealistic.................yes I am cynical, but it is a cynicism bred of many years experience.

    Technically, I see the 512Mb as a problem, as a lot of the most recent boards will only support that amount of the fastest memory, even though they will support 3Gb of slower stuff?


  9. #9
    Longhorn isn't a corp or server release, it is a desktop OS. I could care less about how corps feel There is a completely different OS for servers, called Windows 2003. And if you want to take down that 256 megs from XP, let me know

  10. #10
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
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    United Kingdom: Bridlington
    Hi Pooh,

    I will take you up on advice re the XP box tuning.....thanks

    My cynicism is not so much about servers as about desktops......I can get the money for servers........problem with desktops is that the CEO's kids have this "deal" didn't he?..........all that bundled junk software........but only 256Mb of RAM.

    The problem is that senior executives have bought off the shelf deals, and could not admit that they got it wrong?..........would you buy one of those store deals?

    Unfortunately, they take that "experience" into the office?

    This is purely United Kingdom experience, by the way.


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