February 29th, 2004, 08:10 PM
Microsoft Windows
I had posted this in another thread, but I feel it deserves here instead:
I'm sick of, is people constantly picking on Microsoft, becasue it's the "Linux thing to do". The reason Microsoft releases so may patches is in the interest of you, the user, why do you say "Oh, another patch...sigh"? Would you like to have a flaw in your system? Did you also not notice that Linux has quite a bit of bugs in it's software too, or is that okay for some reason, just because it is Linux? How many of you even took the time to look at Windows, and what you can do with it? Or did you just pass it off because it's Microsoft Windows?
February 29th, 2004, 08:17 PM
This may seem like an obligatory post, but here we go:
I have long since been a lover of both Linux and Windows, equally. Most people know this, and have seen me brutally defend both areas when people are misinformed. Despite how much the parent post will get flamed, don't ignore that it does still happen. People still do pass up Windows.
For the parent:
Efforts are being made to show people how equal Windows is, in both simpler and hardier terms.
My recent Windows XP security test:
My recent review of Windows XP security With SP2:
My words on which OS is better:
Mind you, I'm not posting those to show off, but to let you know that someone is fighting to help others notice that balance. Being a Windows zealot is as bad as a Linux zealot, I do understand that. I try hard to balance between both. But don't think everyone is against you, and that not everyone will bash Windows and Microsoft (I can't stand it when people use M$). I appreciate your words above, because they do hold meaning.
But you can not fight a tidal wave with a wooden spoon. It will take time, patience, and tests before little by little the communities can be converted to understanding that balance.
February 29th, 2004, 08:22 PM
I'm not saying Windows is better than Linux, I like Linux, and I like Windows. I'm just saying, I'm sick of people saying Windows is horseshit, when it's not. If it is horseshit, why is it so many people use it? I use both Windows and Linux, and if you treat it right, it will work fine, just as if you treat it like ****, it will work like ****. Same goes for Linux. You can do many extraordinary things with both Windows and Linux, and they both have holes, both major and minor, so, why the Microsoft bashing?
PS. I'm with you on the "M$" thing. It is annoying. Microsoft makes more money than you, get over it. They make more money, because they spend alot of time and effort on Windows.
February 29th, 2004, 08:28 PM
I agree. Both OSes can do the same things just as well. So why the bashing? Here are my thoughts:
1. "A bad admin blames the OS instead of his knowledge of it"
2. It's c00l 2 RuN l1nUx, 0nLy n33bz rUn WindZerz
3. People have had a bad past experience (ala Windows ME) and have never gotten past it nor taken the time to fix it.
4. Because of heresay. This person says this, and this person says this, so I think this too.
5. They are still on Windows Bob (http://www.telecommander.com/pics/li...ft_Bob_1_0.htm)
And I think the largest:
6. People refuse to give windows as much dedication and time as they do their linux boxes. Thus meaning they won't troubleshoot, won't spend weeks on it, and won't RTFM. They get to this point because of 1-5 above.
February 29th, 2004, 08:33 PM
simple: because newbs come here and see the ultra soopah l337 h4x0r senior members that dont like windows and assume to become an ultra soopah l337 h4x0r they have to go along with it and bash windows.
[edit] goddamnit, im always beat to it! [/edit]
\"Look, Doc, I spent last Tuesday watching fibers on my carpet. And the whole time I was watching my carpet, I was worrying that I, I might vomit. And the whole time, I was thinking, \"I\'m a grown man. I should know what goes on my head.\" And the more I thought about it... the more I realized that I should just blow my brains out and end it all. But then I thought, well, if I thought more about blowing my brains out... I start worrying about what that was going to do to my goddamn carpet. Okay, so, ah-he, that was a GOOD day, Doc. And, and I just want you to give me some pills and let me get on with my life. \" -Roy Waller
February 29th, 2004, 08:37 PM
I'm not talking about here, I'm talking about everywheres in general. Besides, I'm alsmost a senior member, and I don't bash Windows or Microsoft. I don't see many senior members that do. Mind you, I don't read every post on this site.
February 29th, 2004, 08:54 PM
Good Day,
The Window OS is just what the average home user needs. It does everything for you except tuck you in and give you a kiss. I was one of Bill Gates greatest fans in the early years. Especially with 3.11 and 98se. At work I use XP and it serves us well. And shortly, we shall see with PST’s XP evaluation, that we can finally put to rest the question about how secure it is. The only real issue I have with MS is the cost of the software for the home user. Not only do you spend a fortune on the OS, but you need MS Office as well. That’s pretty hard on the home user who only has a few computers anyway and no corp funding. And I would guess that in part is why MS has become such a target. The script kiddie issue was already posted and they are no help either.
But that aside, at home I use SuSE 8.2 Pro and Win 98se on one hard disk and on the other, Slack and XP. So which is the best Windows or Linux? Neither, they’re different and I want to learn more about them both.
February 29th, 2004, 09:18 PM
Are we back on this once more??
Well, people bash MS for the reasons PST said, and also because sometimes it just does not work in the way they want regardless of what they do, why do you folks not see this? and you know what, Linux is exactly the same, and Solaris, and BSD, and Mac, and every other OS on the face of our wee planet. Operating systems are written by people, those people make errors, those errors sometimes are found by users and this upsets them, for instance, AIX had a fault up until a short time ago when set up as a Cluster whereby a port scan would lead to a cascading effect that would take down each node and in the end bring the whole damn thing done. Now, the admins knew how to use AIX, and they had it patched, and so on and so forth, and it still broke, and this was because of an error in the OS coding, which was subsequently fixed, and this is the nature of operating systems, and there are errors like this in Windows, and the problem is that Windows is used by lots of folks on a day to day basis, so these have an immediate affect on them when they occur.
So please all keep this in mind when once more delving into the "windows v linux v osx v bsd v palm os etc etc....." People get pissed off and complain about things, this is the nature of the world.
So everyone down from their pulpits, and you know what if someone bashes Windows, or Linux, then its really not worth getting upset about.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
February 29th, 2004, 09:20 PM
The avarage home user? I run a server on Microsoft Windows 2003, I don't spend a fortune on it, I'm not forced to use it, and I've yet to see it configure Apache with PHP and mySQL. You don't need Microsoft Office, ever hear of a thing called Open Office? It does everything Microsoft Office does, for free, and the Operating System it self comes on most PCs you buy.
It does not work for them the way they want it to, because they don't know how to get it to work that way for them.
...and you know what, Linux is exactly the same, and Solaris, and BSD, and Mac, and every other OS on the face of our wee planet.
My thread is not going to start a Windows VS. other Operating Systems thread, comments like this and
So please all keep this in mind when once more delving into the "windows v linux v osx v bsd v palm os etc etc....." People get pissed off and complain about things, this is the nature of the world.
that are.
I'm not complaing about Windows, nor am I complaing about Linux, BSD, or UNIX. You mis-read or twisted the point of this thread around. I have not complained about the use-ability of any OS, what I said was that people that think they are king-**** because they bash Microsoft because of Windows, because they fail to take a harder look at Windows, what you can do with it, what tools and services you have built in, that you can use, or disable, and complain because Microsoft releases a patch, just as much as any other OS, deserve to be in the "*******" category, as, as my dad says, there are only three kinds of people, men, women, and *******s.
February 29th, 2004, 09:54 PM
Ron1n, don't start this again. Every single time you see a chance to plug in "Sometimes it JUST DOESN'T WORK", you do it. Don't dare turn this into an OS argument. don't dare try to say Windows has errors by default on a continual basis. Instead of always saying "Sometimes it JUST DOESN'T WORK", why not ask "Why doesn't it work guys, and what can I do to fix it?"
and also because sometimes it just does not work in the way they want regardless of what they do, why do you folks not see this?
Because we took the time to learn the OS. We took the time to ask the questions. We are not having problems, you are. If we can get Windows to work perfect for us, securley, and 100% stable, then obviously the problem isn't with Windows, it's with you.
"6. People refuse to give windows as much dedication and time as they do their linux boxes. Thus meaning they won't troubleshoot, won't spend weeks on it, and won't RTFM"
Yes I am angry. Yes I am upset. Because every chance you get, you say "Oh! Each os is equal!" but always making sure to throw in a side jab of "but sometimes windows just doesn't work". Stop arguing, stop bickering, and learn the OS. That's right. Ask us questions if you have problems, and we can solve them. Either stop complaining and start asking questions to learn, or take your whining elsewhere.
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