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Thread: gigabyte 7n400-l cpu problem

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    gigabyte 7n400-l cpu problem

    I am replacing the mb of a system with an 1800+ with a 7n400-l motherboard and the mb only sees it as a 1150mhz cpu. I am using the same mb the ga-7n400-l on a new build with a barton 2500+ with a 333fsb and that sees it as a 1.1ghz. I have tried manually setting the dip switches on the mb and it doesnt take those it still uses what it feels like and i have tried setting it in the bios but that has limited functionality and no matter what that is set to it still sais the same clock speeds. Any Ideaz?

  2. #2
    Ok so..

    You have a 1800+cpu and your trying to put it into a mobo...that only reads it as 1.1ghz?

    Wow..interesting....I would look for bios updates and see if you have more functionality for that. And check if your CPU is compatible with your mobo.. Some bios set the cpu to run in a 'compatible' mode..which on all the computers i've used that mode's been around 1.5x slower then the CPU's tested clock And how did you know it was running at 1.1ghz anyways? And whats ur OS?
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  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    I have two systems....
    an 1800+ that is runing at 1.150 ghz and i kno it is because post sais that and windows xp sais the same

    and a 2500+ that is running at 1.1ghz

    they both have the same gigabyte mb

  4. #4

    The only couple of things I could think of..

    Is that you have a jumper setting wrong on your mobo, or that the CPU isn't fully compatible with that mobo..or that you need a bios update. Just because the pins fit doesn't mean it's compatible

    Hmm....what's the make and model of both of the CPU's? And teh version of your bios?
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  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Well on the 1800+ I set the mutliplier on the board to 11.5x manually to try it out bu that still doesnt work. I also tried to flash the bios from v f5 to f7 and it did not change anything at all.

  6. #6
    Only thing I could think of is that you have a defective mobo..or your cpu isn't fully compatible with that mobo..

    But thats just me...i'm clueless on this one other then that.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    oofki -

    I'm assuming you've tried the "Auto" settings for both (CLK_SW = ON and CLK_RATIO 1-6 = OFF)?

    From reading the User Manual (which was as clear as mud!) - try these settings and see what your resulting clock speeds are:

    For 1800+: CLK_SW = ON
    CLK_RATIO 1=On 2=On 3=Off 4=Off 5=On 6=On

    In BIOS - Advanced Chipset Features:
    System Performance = Manual
    FSB Frequency = 133MHz
    Memory Frequency = By SPD
    Resulting Frequency = Should show as 266MHz


    For Barton 2500+: CLK_SW = ON
    CLK_RATIO 1=Off 2=Off 3=On 4=On 5=On 6=On

    In BIOS - Advanced Chipset Features:
    System Performance = Manual
    FSB Frequency = 166MHz
    Memory Frequency = By SPD
    Resulting Frequency = Should show as 333MHz


    Hopefully these settings will give you the desired clock speeds. If not, use a 7.5x multiplier for the 1800+ (1.53GHz rating) and a 9x multiplier for the 2500+ (1.83GHz rating). Leave the BIOS settings as noted above.

    If you're still not showing the correct speeds, see if the DMI Viewer software gives you any clues. Good Luck.

    All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

  8. #8
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
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    United Kingdom: Bridlington

    vvirtho is on the right lines, I am guessing that your Gigabyte board can support Durons as well as Athlons? It will have a default FSB setting of 100MHz (or a Duron won't work) and with a multiplier of 11.5x, this will give you 1.150GHz. Effectively it thinks it is running a 1.1GHz Duron? (50/1100 = 4.5%, which is within tolerance). The same argument applies to the 2500+?

    Similarly, the 2500+ should have an FSB of 166MHz and a multiplier of 11x. (1.826MHz)

    I have built over a dozen AMD/Gigabyte boxes in the past year and I NEVER had to alter any jumper settings, you just had to check the BIOS settings.

    OK, I don't think that I used exactly the same Gigabyte board and the processors have been 1900+, 2200+, 2400+, 3000+ and 3200+

    I suspect that by altering jumper settings rather than just the BIOS you may have contradicted yourself? I would recommend returning the jumpers to their default settings, provided that those give the correct FSB speed (that was always OK for me, but I have always gone for top of the range boards to support dual BIOS, RAID1 and fast DDR)

    Good luck

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