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Thread: Server Problem

  1. #1

    Server Problem

    I had a small server running on my computer and then all of a sudden it stop
    I couldn't find out what happened. So i unistalled apache and reinstalled it and it said everything was running and it was ok. but nobody can access my site. and i can't figure out why.

    I'm running throught a router. i forwarded the ports and i actually turned off all my firewalls to see tf that was the problem but its still the same. Waht could be the problem? But its not only Apache. My ftp server and other programs that require remote access.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Memphis, TN
    what os are you running?

    Can you ping it from the outside?

  3. #3
    AO French Antique News Whore
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Internet Provider Block?
    -Simon \"SDK\"

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