March 10th, 2004, 05:48 PM
Usage Monitor
Ok need recemondations for a user monitoring program. Must have the ability to.....
- Run in stealth so no user is aware that it is there
- Record Keystrokes
- Record Programs accessed
- Take screenshots at an adjustable frequency (if possible program should stop taking screenshots after predefined length of inactivity to save on resources)
- Records searchable by date (and time would be an advantage)
- All records hidden & encrypted
some additional features which are not completly neccesary but I would like to see as well
- Ability to email logs at adjustable frequency
- Adjustable levels of monitoring based upon user's windows login
- Remote administration/configeration
- Ability to remotly view current user activity in real time
anyone know of/used a piece of software like this?
current rollout will be for 50 workstations but must be able to handle additional users to allow for exspansion of agent numbers
March 10th, 2004, 06:08 PM
Er.... Not knowing the situation entirely, (why you need such "close to the target" monitoring), you might want to consider "stepping" back a little from the granular, need I say high maintenance, solution you seem to be aiming for.
Using group policy to disable the programs you don't want them using for example would prevent you from having to go through logfiles every day to see if anyone was "naughty". This can be adjusted by user login so the flexibility you want is right there. Recording every keystroke of 50 users then going through them to see who is "dissing" the boss is going to become tedious too.
Slarty's Gencontrol he uploaded here to AO is a great little program for watching over your user's "shoulders" without them seeing IMO.... I use it regularly when other systems indicate "oddities" emanating from a machine, (like my Snort boxes start yelling "Kickass porn"... ) Also, it doesn't sit on their machine constantly so the chances of them discovering it by accident is significantly reduced.
What level of monitoring are you looking for that would be managable? What are you trying to achieve that might be able to be accomplished from "afar"?
Don\'t SYN us.... We\'ll SYN you.....
\"A nation that draws too broad a difference between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards, and its fighting done by fools.\" - Thucydides
March 10th, 2004, 06:38 PM
Tiger we have group policies in place but some of the staff need access to certain databases/programs which can have a major impact on site if the muck around.
Reason this has been raised today is one of the SQL tables was dropped - luckily it wasn't a major one and was easily recreated but it could have been alot worse.
Its not a case that I will be trawling through it everyday for every user but it is just so that if something like that does happen again we will have something in place that we can check to see who exactly was responsible.
March 10th, 2004, 07:38 PM
OIC..... Don't the SQL logs show who dropped the table? I'm not that familiar with the SQL logs but I know they can be used to recreate all the transactions that took place so I would guess they would show who dropped a table.
Outside that I can't really help you I'm afraid. I shy away from that level of monitoring so it's not something I'm familiar with, sorry.
Don\'t SYN us.... We\'ll SYN you.....
\"A nation that draws too broad a difference between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards, and its fighting done by fools.\" - Thucydides
March 10th, 2004, 10:07 PM
Why not set the permissions on the database/db user to prevent that from happening?
\"If computers are to become smart enough to design their own successors, initiating a process that will lead to God-like omniscience after a number of ever swifter passages from one generation of computers to the next, someone is going to have to write the software that gets the process going, and humans have given absolutely no evidence of being able to write such software.\" -Jaron Lanier
March 11th, 2004, 10:34 AM
the client side software we use stretches across multiple campaigns but relies on the same database so there is different people from each campaign which need access so locking everyone out but myself and the other tech guy wouldn't be an option
will check logs for the dropped table but really need something in place incase of other problems not just with the database
March 11th, 2004, 11:44 AM
With the SQL database you acan also assign very specific rights to each user by login name. Really the only person who should have access to the tables themselves is the database administrator. If this is the primary problem you are trying to solve through this thread and properly applied permissions would alleviate, (or go a long way to alleviating), the problem I can have a few words with my programmer and tell you what it is you need to do to prevent such accidents.
Don\'t SYN us.... We\'ll SYN you.....
\"A nation that draws too broad a difference between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards, and its fighting done by fools.\" - Thucydides
March 13th, 2004, 09:31 PM
Junior Member
Search google for things like these:
Activity Loggers
Keystroke Loggers
And perhaps check this out:
There are many programs like this out for parents to watch kids, but think about it: Change parents to bosses, and kids to employees, you have the same reason to use the program!
http://www.pestpatrol.com/pestinfo/a...ity_logger.asp [Check this one out too]
^ This one does not give the download, but it does give links I think.
March 17th, 2004, 03:37 AM
thanks for thehelp guys sorry been a long time in gettin back to you
heavy work-load
teaching myself crystal reports >_<;
still looking for something that meets needs but have steped up the security measures some in workplace but would still like to have some kind of monitoring as I know that some of the higher level staff (inc head of tech dep oO) are letting their passwords be known
March 17th, 2004, 04:11 AM
Do you have a specific Keylogger program?
If so whch one and how are the logs accessed?
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