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Thread: Death of the gaming industry

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Death of the gaming industry

    You have to read this:
    Part I:
    Part II:

    This is actually so true, and it is the reason I quit playing videogames (I do still play classic 80ties games however). From 2000 on I've never find a new release making (and keeping) me say "wow".
    I have this cd with some kickass FPS from 1995-1999.
    When I occasionally go to a cyberroom with friends and play new games, it has actually stayed the same for over more than 10 years. All you get is some fancier graphics and larger levels.
    The above sentences are produced by the propaganda and indoctrination of people manipulating my mind since 1987, hence, I cannot be held responsible for this post\'s content - me

  2. #2
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    I don't think the gaming industry will ever die.

    Right now the best game out there is Battle Field 1942. Heres why.

    Its one of the first game that lets you interact and use every part of a vehicle.
    I've been playing it for about 2 years now, and still have yet to become tired of it.

    Now with HL2, and DOOM III coming out, I think it will thrive. After all, people want more graphics, which is what these games are producing.

  3. #3
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    407 more graphics...i want gameplay! i dont care if my game looks like goldeneye, as long as it plays well...i dont have the resources to buy one of the new graphic cards, so basically, they look the about the same...

    \"Look, Doc, I spent last Tuesday watching fibers on my carpet. And the whole time I was watching my carpet, I was worrying that I, I might vomit. And the whole time, I was thinking, \"I\'m a grown man. I should know what goes on my head.\" And the more I thought about it... the more I realized that I should just blow my brains out and end it all. But then I thought, well, if I thought more about blowing my brains out... I start worrying about what that was going to do to my goddamn carpet. Okay, so, ah-he, that was a GOOD day, Doc. And, and I just want you to give me some pills and let me get on with my life. \" -Roy Waller

  4. #4
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    Maybe im just turning into a old and hardend shootist but it seems to me that games are getting easyier to beat now. Every game I buy gets beaten within 10 minutes to two or three days and you usually pay freaking 20$ to 60$ for that. That sucks. Also many seem to want to mix action with a story line like half-life did but most games that try to re-create that mixture seem to be nothing more than a movie.

  5. #5
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    Super Mario on Nintendo rocks. I do like the new games, but yeah the gameplay level did decrease, maybe not for all of us but for some.

  6. #6
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    Yes, I think there are too many graphics designers in the gaming inudstry and not enough specialised programmers (I heard there is a lack of them these days).
    The story line in most games sucks. I think Metal Gear Solid for the Playstation was/is the ultimate "movie alike game".

    It is actually true we need a new "huge jump forward", like from 2d to 3d.

    yet, I agree with you cheyenne, that Battlefield 1942 is a GREAT game. I still can't believe today's pcs can run it. That is also an important step, the control of "everything". I couldn't believe you could actually control a plane (<- maybe this word should be "flight" don't know) carrier and stuff.
    The above sentences are produced by the propaganda and indoctrination of people manipulating my mind since 1987, hence, I cannot be held responsible for this post\'s content - me

  7. #7
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    Yeah, I do agree that graphics will be a problem for a lot of people who can't upgrade their cards. However I would like to see more and more realistic graphics.

    I never play a game to try to beat it. If I play a game, I jump on line and play it with thousands of people. I think the online gaming community has helped games. Withought being able to play games online I would be done with a game in a week. Also theres many developers out there that update the games and create "mods" for it which makes it more interesting.

  8. #8
    Games are just getting bigger. Bigger enviroments seem to be the only thing changing, as people are willing to use more space on their HDD. The only things that will change the industry, is a faster broadband that everyone can access, or a leap in the medium, such as off screen 3d.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Raion's Avatar
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    Well, in my opinion old games are way better than the current ones because now a days they concentrate a lot on graphics so the consumer will buy it because they saw some pictures on a magazine. But the storylines aren't like they used to be.

    Although Super Mario didn't have the best of storylines I believe it is one of the best games ever made. I still play Super Mario on my Nintendo which is in fact almost new. Just needs a little cleaning :-P. If I had an Atari I would probably still have it brand new. I agree with the article, a lot of people have either sold their Nintendo's or have donated it to the less fourtanate. But I don't agree that they don't use it, because when you come to think about it they have nothing better to do so they entertain themselves with it. I must've completed Super Mario at least 30 times and I still play it. The current games once I complete it I throw it in a box full of completed games never to be played again. Why? Because of the lack of story and action. A game could have the best graphics but if it doesn't keep the consumer's eyes on the game it's not worth the money.

  10. #10
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    Roleplaying games!!!

    Early nineties stuff... Awesome!

    Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy II-V, Lufia I&II, Secret of Mana, etc. SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) was the ULTIMATE system for RPGs.

    I do enjoy some shoot 'em up every once in a while like Rogue Spear or Unreal Tournament 2003.

    Also a great current-day RPG is Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Sweet game. There is so much stuff to do you could be occupied forever and never follow the main quest.

    Oh I forgot Grand Theft Auto. I love that game

    IMO, the gaming industry is far from over. There are still some good games coming out every once in a while.



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