First of all my sinceremost apologies to all the people here who were so much offended with me making my first post on the first day i got registered.After all it was the first day there at my website...looks like lumpyporridge forgot to see that.After all i managed to get 9 posts on the first day and 8 hrs and with all due respects i 'd like to know how many he'd make in 7 days if he launches one.Of course hes the mighty security guru around.
Now for the rest,we'll again with all due respects ...i meant no harm and see if advertisement was what i meant i'd have made my signature with that.PPl if u go there i'm sure u'll find a lot more and please don't trust what u hear...Go to my site to see what it is ...rather what it has become in just seven days.I seriously will appreciate some help from teh tech wizards here for teh technical issues there.I'm sure u won't be that heartless to treat this request as an advertisement.Please bear with my rough words if i have hurt u in any way...but i was expecting a little warm welcome.Hope some people here r more inclined to sharing and discussing technology of a so called -noob like me
Again,lots of apologies and regrets,
The Zen-Master
of my site where lumpyporridge saw only 9 posts