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Thread: Microsoft Merge with AOL

  1. #1
    AntiOnline Senior Medicine Man
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    Nov 2001

    Microsoft Merge with AOL

    The New York Post, citing people familiar with the situation, said Time Warner executives have held talks in recent months with Microsoft about a potential sale of AOL.

    I'm not sure the Government would allow this to happen. Imagine, AOL is already one of the most powerfull companys out there. With full control of the Media(CNN,Time), Microsoft would be in a position to control the world almost. They already run MSNBC, I fear the day we must all work for Mircosoft.

    EDIT: Posted in wrong group....sry bout that
    It is better to be HATED for who you are, than LOVED for who you are NOT.

    THC/IP Version 4.2

  2. #2
    @ÞΜĮЙǐЅŦГǻţΩЯ D0pp139an93r's Avatar
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    Oh dear God, MSAOL. This just seems evil.

    Real security doesn't come with an installer.

  3. #3
    LOL Well, we already have MSNBC...why not MSCIA, MSFBI, MSAOL, MSUSA... :-S *Then* can there be talk of anti-trust! :-o

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2001
    considering the fact that aol has been given the ok by the courts to buy a large share of google stock this could have more of an impact than it first seems
    Bukhari:V3B48N826 “The Prophet said, ‘Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.’”

  5. #5
    AO Antique pwaring's Avatar
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    I very much doubt it will happen, these look more like speculative rumours than real evidence of a potential sale/merger/takeover (depending how you want to look at it).
    Paul Waring - Web site design and development.

  6. #6


    If AOL and Microsoft merge that would be one of the strongest computer companies on earth. It might be a good thing though, maybe Microsoft can increase security for AOL so hackers, spammers and viruses can not mess with it so easy.
    Everything that has a beginning has an end.

  7. #7
    god i thought AOL can't get any worse but whoo i was wrong lol...MS gives it the scary offense to windows Xp which i am right now using but **** i hate MS

    ...does that mean they gonna take away AIM i know old Bill G. he gonna charge that mother too..$5 to sign up for AIM lol...that would suck

  8. #8
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
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    If AOL and Microsoft merge that would be one of the strongest computer companies on earth. It might be a good thing though, maybe Microsoft can increase security for AOL so hackers, spammers and viruses can not mess with it so easy.
    With the greatest respect, sir, leopards are not noted for changing their spots? otherwise they would be "Ligers"...............well you know what Sir Bill thinks about Lindows.......

    I rest my case.

    It seems to me that there is some stock manipulation in the offing........../me sends anonymous Hotmail to the SEC /end

    I can't really see Billy wanting seems to be in trouble this side of the Pond anyways..............can't even advertise these days?.............And I was just getting used to using those nice shiny coasters as crow scarers (that is serious BTW, old CDs work just fine....OK so we don't have a gardening and farming forum )

    I guess the bottom line is that MS is already in anti-trust/monopoly difficulty? I cannot see it happening, unless MS wish to destroy AOL?

    Just my thoughts

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