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Thread: directx 9

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Unhappy directx 9

    I need to know WHERE to install directx 9.0 I have downloaded it from the msn website for a friend on a dell running windows xp but as he tries to play pc games he keeps getting the error. " this game requires directx 8.1 or higher etc etc. so is there a particular folder that the download should be installed into in order for the games to find it.

  2. #2
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom: Bridlington

    You are in Dublin, so you will get the same PC magazines as I do.............borrow the cover CDs from someone who has bought a recent copy and load it from there (usually in the "games" or "utilities" sections).

    I am not sure what you downloaded, but it should have been an executable anyway? so there may be a problem with the download?

    I am not sure of where all the files belong, but I think that they are scattered around.....I would NOT try to load it manually

    Otherwise hook him up to a broadband link and use Windows update?


    EDIT: Please make sure that his video card supports DirectX 9.0 first

  3. #3
    @ÞΜĮЙǐЅŦГǻţΩЯ D0pp139an93r's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2003
    St. Petersburg, FL
    Wait, I've had this problem before.

    The directX version is no longer verified in the same manner as it used to be, I think. I had to manually edit the registry to fix it when it happened to me. I'm at work right now so I can't get you the key to change, but if a fix hasn't been posted when I get home, I'll post it.

    You DO have the right version, the software doesn't know it though.
    Real security doesn't come with an installer.

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