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Thread: Trojan Downloader.Stubby.B

  1. #1

    Question Trojan Downloader.Stubby.B

    Ok, I'm new to this site and I've been searching all over the internet for someone who might have heard of, or know of, a trojan called downloader.stubby.B
    I most likely caught it downloading some "update" of some sort. I don't know if it causes any damage or what but I just want to get it off of my machine. I've run AVG 7.0 and it caught the virus. Norton didn't detect it though, so I don't know what to do about that. I've updated everything I can possibly think of. I found where the file is located in my computer: C:\WIN\Sentry.exe in my system volume information in the registry. So what I need to know, is if I should delete the entry in the registry if it's still there or not? And is there any kind of removal utility to get rid of it? I don't want to disrupt any good/evil balances that the registry does for the computer, lol.

    Write me back!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    You might think about running AdAware, then Spybod S&D,
    and then HiJackThis.


    After you run HiJackThis, you might want to post back
    here and let someone advise you as to which registry
    keys to delete.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
    The international ban against torturing prisoners of war does not necessarily apply to suspects detained in America\'s war on terror, Attorney General John Ashcroft told a Senate oversight committee
    -- true colors revealed, a brown shirt and jackboots

  4. #4


    All right, I've done the other programs suggested and I've made the list in hijackthis. Here it is, take a look and lemmie know.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Just some quick thoughts on your HijackThis log:

    1) You need to put HijackThis into it's own folder - it makes backups when you fix something and you want to keep them all in one spot.

    2) The following should be fixed:

    R3 - Default URLSearchHook is missing

    3) It's not wise to have to antiviruses running at the same time (Norton &AVG). Some people view it differently, but IMHO they can interact in less than optimal ways.

    As far as your "virus" here are some things to make sure your system is clean:

    1) Purge your temp internet files

    2) Run your pc through an online scanner like the one at

    3) Download an anti-trojan. I personally recommend A2 which you can get from .

    Then your pc should be assuredly clean.


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