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Thread: Set Memory usage to System Cache

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Set Memory usage to System Cache

    Hi all, what if I set Memory usage of my WinXP OS to System Cache, bcoz the deafult one was Memory Usage set to Programs.

    Is there a different?

    I have 256x2MB RAM 400MHz

  2. #2
    AntiOnline n00b
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    hi JohnHACK

    I would suggest you ............

    Choose Programs if you use your computer primarily as a workstation, rather than as a server, to have more memory devoted to your programs

    Chose System cache if your computer is used primarily as a server............... Providing services ot other and does more thing in the background(e.g Listening continuously to incoming requests etc)............... or if you use programs that require a larger cache.

  3. #3
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom: Bridlington
    Hi John,

    SwordFish is absolutely correct.

    From what you have told us, I recognise that it is one of your machines we are talking about, and from what else you have told us, I don't think that you will notice any difference between the two settings.

    I certainly do not think that you would get any improvement, given your usage pattern/requirement.

    I believe that there was a situation with earlier versions of Windows, where you would change the typical use setting from "desktop" to "network server" if you had a powerful machine with a large, fast HDD. It would then use the HDD more efficiently. AFAIK this is irrelevant to Win XP, and was related to the HDD performance in Win9x.


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