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Thread: computer goin crazy

  1. #1

    computer goin crazy

    iight i have just a little problem, before i had the kler worm right and i came on here and figured out how to delete it. well my bro was on my computer yest and i think a new worm like it. I cannot start in safe mode (it comes up all black so i cant see were to login at). Also msconfig wont come up, regedit wont come up, and my taskmanager wont come up either. Also i have looked in the windows, and system32 folders and checked the date created and there is nothing that comes up of new applications installed that i could delete and everything would work like when i had the last worm. Also When i try to get to msconfig it says "this operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your computer administrator". uhh.. i am the computer admin. also turn off fast switching and classic logon if i try to login to the administrator account it says i cannot due to restrictions on this account!!?? well hope i didnt bore you guys while reading this, and i appreciate all replies. Thx again -silent-mage

  2. #2
    Update the definitions on your Anti-Virus, Adaware, Spy bot search and destroy, run all test's.
    If they don't pick anything up then the next option would be to.
    format your hard disk, re-install your Operating System.


  3. #3
    heh thx man, i just restored it =D wow dumb me didnt think bout just restoring it to an earlier date at first

  4. #4
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom: Bridlington
    Please be careful of your system restore points. Now you have the system working, I would create a new one, and delete and between that and the one you successfully restored from. Otherwise switch off system restore and run your AV, Spybot and AdAware in safe mode, before switching restore back on.

    Windows locks the system restore files so security software can't clean them.

    My concern is that if you did't find anything, and it was malware, it is still on your machine with its "trigger mechanism" possibly preserved in one of your more recent restores?


  5. #5
    k thx nihil i did wat u said. well see if anything goes wrong now. I think i should be good to go for a little bit, but thx for all the AO community that replied.

    sincerely, SiLeNt-MaGe

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