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Thread: my ports on my computer

  1. #1

    my ports on my computer

    i don't know what i'm looking at. i scanned my self to see what i had open i used sscan205 and used the scanner list here is what i this bad??? if so how can i close them...
    |___ 110 [pop3] Post Office Protocol - Version 3
    |___ 135 [epmap] DCE endpoint resolution
    |___ 139 [netbios-ssn] NETBIOS Session Service
    |___ 389 [ldap] Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
    |___ 445 [microsoft-ds] Microsoft-DS
    |___ 1025 [blackjack] network blackjack
    |___ 1720 [h323hostcall] h323hostcall
    |___ 5000 [commplex-main] ?
    what is socket 23???

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    It depends on lot's o' stuff dude. A whole lot of stuff.

    I'd be suspicious of a few of those ports, search this site and google for adware or trojan removal tools, or something similar. Scan with an updated antivirus. Unless of course you know why you have 5000 and the other odd ones open.

    To close them easily and simply, get a firewall. Search google for windows firewalls. There are MANY threads on this site about recommended firewalls, use the search thing at the top right of the front page.

    If that's Windows XP your running, learn how to use the built in Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) This should suit you just great. It's nice and simple to use.

    If you still don't find enough answers from google to satisfy you, let us know. But alot of this stuff has either already been asked on this site, or has been covered extensively elsewhere on the internet.

    - Good Day.


  3. #3
    Try this link, for starters...


    As far as closing them, try installing a good personal firewall, many of which are free...

    This link should point you in the right direction there...

  4. #4

    Re: my ports on my computer

    Originally posted here by towboattrash34
    i don't know what i'm looking at. i scanned my self to see what i had open i used sscan205 and used the scanner list here is what i this bad??? if so how can i close them...
    |___ 110 [pop3] Post Office Protocol - Version 3
    |___ 135 [epmap] DCE endpoint resolution
    |___ 139 [netbios-ssn] NETBIOS Session Service
    |___ 389 [ldap] Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
    |___ 445 [microsoft-ds] Microsoft-DS
    |___ 1025 [blackjack] network blackjack
    |___ 1720 [h323hostcall] h323hostcall
    |___ 5000 [commplex-main] ?
    what is socket 23???
    But first, have you before scanning closed all browser windows? And what are you running? Dial-up(modem) or cable internet or something else? I am connecting with modem and the ports what I have are only 135 and 139.

  5. #5


    Ooh, you running port 139? Uh, whats your ip address.....*cough cough*
    3 Easy Steps To Fixing Windows (Permanently!)
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  6. #6
    thanks i am running xp/norton anti virus pro2004/za pro/dialup......... well when i installed sscan205 it probily put a few things on............Zetaphor....Ooh, you running port 139? Uh, whats your ip address.....*cough cough*............hehehe u wish...........

  7. #7
    Originally posted here by Zetaphor
    Ooh, you running port 139? Uh, whats your ip address.....*cough cough*
    Eh? Whats bad about it? What I know, many computers are running 139.

  8. #8
    Some Assembly Required ShagDevil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Tow, for starters, unless you're on a network or need to share files with other computers, I'd recommend disabling netBIOS and port 445.
    Read this article Here so you can better understand how to disable NetBIOS and how port 445 works in conjunction with NetBIOS on Windows XP.

    As for port 110 being open, I believe CCAPP.EXE(part of Norton) is the culprit for that one as anytime I scanned myself, I found that port to be open as well (I have Norton 2003, not sure if 2004 still uses CCAPP.EXE). You can turn off your email scanning in Norton and then this port should be closed when you scan yourself again. Just remember though, the port may close but you no longer have email scanning active (It appears to be a catch 22).

    Port 5000, from what I understand if a default Universal Plug and Play and the SSDP service for Windows XP. I don't believe it's used very often but I'm not sure in your case. I found this link Here that has a small program that can disable UPnP fairly easily.

    The only thing I could find in regards to ports 389 and 1720 is in relation to connecting to the internet using NetMeeting. I don't know if this is a neccessary XP service or not.
    port 389(LDAP) and port 1720(H.323 Host Call) are both used together with this NetMeeting. Article Here

    I'm still looking about for port 1025. I'll keep you posted as to what I find.
    The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his - George Patton

  9. #9
    Originally posted here by ShagDevil
    Tow, for starters, unless you're on a network or need to share files with other computers, I'd recommend disabling netBIOS and port 445.
    Read this article Here so you can better understand how to disable NetBIOS and how port 445 works in conjunction with NetBIOS on Windows XP.

    As for port 110 being open, I believe CCAPP.EXE(part of Norton) is the culprit for that one as anytime I scanned myself, I found that port to be open as well (I have Norton 2003, not sure if 2004 still uses CCAPP.EXE). You can turn off your email scanning in Norton and then this port should be closed when you scan yourself again. Just remember though, the port may close but you no longer have email scanning active (It appears to be a catch 22).

    Port 5000, from what I understand if a default Universal Plug and Play and the SSDP service for Windows XP. I don't believe it's used very often but I'm not sure in your case. I found this link Here that has a small program that can disable UPnP fairly easily.

    The only thing I could find in regards to ports 389 and 1720 is in relation to connecting to the internet using NetMeeting. I don't know if this is a neccessary XP service or not.
    port 389(LDAP) and port 1720(H.323 Host Call) are both used together with this NetMeeting. Article Here

    I'm still looking about for port 1025. I'll keep you posted as to what I find.
    thanks bud some good info

  10. #10
    Some ppl say its network blackjack, others say it's mstask.exe...I'm kind of confused myself.
    Here's some interesting post about it

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