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Thread: Kevin Mitnick Interview - Part 2

  1. #1
    Senior Member phernandez's Avatar
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    Aug 2003

    Kevin Mitnick Interview - Part 2

    I know you've been impatiently waiting for part 2 of the Kevin Mitnick Q&A, so here it is

    An Hour with Kevin Mitnick, Part 2
    By Vince Barnes
    We conclude our talk with Kevin Mitnick as he provides a glimpse into the mindset of a hacker, discusses attitudes toward security spending and gives author Vince Barnes (and everyone else) a reason to think twice before taking caller ID at face value.

    Part 1, in case you missed it, is here.


  2. #2
    Yah Dah Yah Dah, who cares...
    Why anyone would wanna read some "Rubbish" that Kevin "The I Am A Phony" Mitnick come up with anyhow.
    The only thing he has ever done is proove to the World that he's a "Skiddie"..
    He hasn't worked as a SysAdmin before, and the biggest hack he has done is turned a Computer on.
    And as for Social Engineering, anyone can Social Engineer someone, yah just gotta find the weak link in the Organisation, and then your in, hate to say it but my lil Brother is a better Social Engineer then what he could ever be.
    Well i don't care what everyone else thinks, cause this is what i think..
    And everyone's entitled to there own opinion, and this is mine.
    Me steps of Ladder and continues with what i was doing earlier..


  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2003
    Originally posted here by .:front2back:.
    Yah Dah Yah Dah, who cares...
    Why anyone would wanna read some "Rubbish" that Kevin "The I Am A Phony" Mitnick come up with anyhow.
    The only thing he has ever done is proove to the World that he's a "Skiddie"..
    He hasn't worked as a SysAdmin before, and the biggest hack he has done is turned a Computer on.
    And as for Social Engineering, anyone can Social Engineer someone, yah just gotta find the weak link in the Organisation, and then your in, hate to say it but my lil Brother is a better Social Engineer then what he could ever be.
    Well i don't care what everyone else thinks, cause this is what i think..
    And everyone's entitled to there own opinion, and this is mine.
    Me steps of Ladder and continues with what i was doing earlier..


    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
    The international ban against torturing prisoners of war does not necessarily apply to suspects detained in America\'s war on terror, Attorney General John Ashcroft told a Senate oversight committee
    -- true colors revealed, a brown shirt and jackboots

  4. #4
    Senior Member phernandez's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    Now, now...

    Despite what you think of his "rubbish", plenty of people care. It helps to put Kevin's story in proper historical context (Google is your friend) and see why he is held in high esteem with the hacker community and many security specialists.

    Ultimately, though, it's just your opinion like you said. But before you slam the man again, why not see him in person and witness first hand what he brings to the table? Info Tech Geek pointed out in a previous post that he may speak at The Fifth HOPE conference in July. Or wait until he's in your neck of the woods.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Raion's Avatar
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    New York, New York
    How old is your lil brother?
    I don't know why all these people hate kevin :-/ only thing wrong he did was fullfill his curiousity, i see nothing wrong with this apparantly the US goverment does and everybody else who dislikes him

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2003
    I aggree i think he was treated badly by the goverment and who hear was not tempted to actualy hack a computer that you did not have permission to one time ro another
    Visit my Website

  7. #7
    Originally posted here by phernandez
    Now, now...

    Despite what you think of his "rubbish", plenty of people care. It helps to put Kevin's story in proper historical context (Google is your friend) and see why he is held in high esteem with the hacker community and many security specialists.
    Well the "Hacker Community" Can worship there "God".
    But this is a Security Site, why are you Advertising some-one who got caught "Hacking"?
    Unless this site turned into a "Hacking Community" Over night, then i don't see the point of it being Advertised here.

    But before you slam the man again, why not see him in person and witness first hand what he brings to the table
    Well mister Administrator, i HAVE met him...
    (Defcon Convention).
    And i WAS NOT impressed by him, i'm NOT going to give him credit. Because he does not DESERVE any credit.


    Oh yeah Lumpy, you and your "Posse" can keep negging me, infact i insist!

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2003
    STFU you little yabo wanker , your the one with the ap alliances , i don't give a rats ass about points, and i rarely socialize with anyone here as i have little time. Go stick your tounge up someones ass it seems to make you feel better about yourself. Memory just pmed me 5 days, a week or so back saying that you were asking for points back for possing him, ****ing luser/liar. (sorry Memory for dumping that publically)
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
    The international ban against torturing prisoners of war does not necessarily apply to suspects detained in America\'s war on terror, Attorney General John Ashcroft told a Senate oversight committee
    -- true colors revealed, a brown shirt and jackboots

  9. #9
    // Enter Annoyed Duck

    What the hell is going on, why do you guys start arguements over such simple ****.

    Damn, can we have one conversation without some person acting like a 17yr old girl that didn't win Prom queen.

    God damn. What is going on.

    This was a thread on something else and you 2 have turned it into a shouting match. Damn, if you need to argue take that **** to PM's not in the open forum. Now everyone else is going to think that this is common practice and start doing it. If you need a Conference room, go there, I will make one for you but damn, what is going on.

    // Exit Annoyed Duck

    Now on the Mitneck thing, his social Skills about average or above, I have read his book and they talk about some nice topics, and you can maybe learn something from there if you are starting to try to learn how to engineer. The point that would be more interesting to me would be his status in the hacker communtiy. This is a person that has demonfied everything that he has known for, everything that made him who he is. That to me is horrible, if at any point I did look up to the guy that single action turned me against him.

    Now as for being treated wrong by the gvt. I won't say he was treated wrong, he did something illegal and he knew it was illegal. Don't give me that he was curious. Curious my butt, he knew what he was doing, and he knew what was there. So for it to be said that he was curious is a complete cop-out. He wanted to break the network, and get in. That is worthy. Illegal, but worthy. He knew what was going to happen if he got caught and he did. He was punished. I won't say to lightly, and I won't say to harshly. I won't even say that he got what he deserved, but he broke the law and got caught.

    The sad moral of the story is, be prepared for what is going to happen to you if you break the law. Now as for his story, I don't really honestly care to hear it, when he got out of jail and turned his back on his old community and life that said to me he cares to **** about, that old part of his life so why should anyone care about him.

    Oh well bable but the dude has a place in Hacker society if he wants it or doesn't, he has it. The interesting thing is to see what he does with it.

    Though one more thing, he was smart enough to charge the same fools that he was targeting before to come see him now. So that is smart. I am just curious where his knowledge level is after all these years.

  10. #10
    OMG..LMAO! This is the funniest post ever...what the hell is wrong w/some of us? haha

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