I was bored, as usual, so I got to think about time as a dimension. Did time always exist or did we (man) create it as a form of measurement and ultimately a way to stop/prevent anarchy? I understand that something still exists even though someone does not know about it, however you can not measure any other dimension. How do you measure the first, second, or third dimension? That just doesn't make sense. I prepose that man invented time for the afformentioned reasons. The reason being that it has no effect on this plane of existance (physical). Some would argue that without time nothing would happen, but would it? Maybe there is no time and things decay, but are immeasurable so man is like, "Hey lets make a way to track this." Time has just been invented. I think that a lot of math and physics, while it worked, was forced to work by inventing other things leading ultimately to Quantum physics which can not really be proved either way, so scientists assume it is true because it makes everything work.
