April 13th, 2004, 02:43 PM
unix OS
do anyone here had a copy of a unix Os that can be save in a couple of diskettes, i'll just use file splitter to break the file into a smaller one that can fit a floopy,would it be possible ot use file splitter?i had an old computer at home a DOS based one i will install unix Os there and play on it just for scriptting purpose only...
April 13th, 2004, 04:51 PM
Why not try a flavor of Linux? There are several Distros that will 1) fit on a disk or a couple or disks or 2) Will fit and run on a cdrom.
N00b> STFU i r teh 1337 (english: You must be mistaken, good sir or madam. I believe myself to be quite a good player. On an unrelated matter, I also apparently enjoy math.)
April 14th, 2004, 06:19 AM
but the computer that am telling (the old one) doesnt have a cdrom but am trying to copy and paste the program from cd to a floopy.. i prefer using unix i hav a red hat on the other computer, so am looking for some free downloadable preferablity the older version if it some of it exsist heheheh ...
April 14th, 2004, 06:59 AM
You don't need a CD drive. A bunch of versions of Linux will run off of one floppy disk. And also, look for something called Pico BSD. No way in hell you're going to get an actual UNIX distro, let alone one that runs off a floppy for free. UNIX costs a lot of money, and I can't think of one besides the first version of it in the 60's that would run off a floppy.
Stick to Linux and BSD.
April 14th, 2004, 08:50 AM
a come to research for that ,but they told me Solaris gave a free version of Unix.. were using HPux @ school, am using linux redhat v.9 but haven't try using BSD, a friend of mine told me that Sun Solaris has a site with free downloadable unix os, am searching the net for some path on the site that they told me ...i just read that info on other BBS ... so i try to find one so that i can use it for some scripting practice, maybe you think am a hell crazy... to find that kind of OS hehehe maybe am a weird person haahaha well am still hoping to get one...
April 14th, 2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted here by Sgear17
a come to research for that ,but they told me Solaris gave a free version of Unix.. were using HPux @ school, am using linux redhat v.9 but haven't try using BSD, a friend of mine told me that Sun Solaris has a site with free downloadable unix os, am searching the net for some path on the site that they told me ...i just read that info on other BBS ... so i try to find one so that i can use it for some scripting practice, maybe you think am a hell crazy... to find that kind of OS hehehe maybe am a weird person haahaha well am still hoping to get one...
Look here for the download:
but you will need the following:
You must have:
Free disk space: 4.0 GBytes to Install Solaris 9 OS; 5.0 GBytes to Install Java Enterprise System Software
Recordable CD-ROM drive: To create CDs using the downloaded zipped files
Recordable CDs: 700MB Blank recordable or rewriteable CDs, one for each image downloaded
Note: Use 700MB blank CDs as some of the Solaris OS CD images will consume more than 650MB of space.
CD labels: Required under license agreement
CD writing application: Use cdrecord for Solaris or Easy CD Creator for Windows is recommended
Download Manager: Sun Download Manager (Free version) runs on most platforms (see System Requirements for details)
Unzip application: WinZip recommended for Microsoft Windows (or use Sun Download Manager's automatic unzip feature
N00b> STFU i r teh 1337 (english: You must be mistaken, good sir or madam. I believe myself to be quite a good player. On an unrelated matter, I also apparently enjoy math.)
April 14th, 2004, 10:41 PM
While we're at it, I do have some major gripes with it (solaris x86). It runs like Sh!t, boots slow, horrible hardware support, they've only _just_ released the intel platform edition free version for solaris 9, crappy support from sun for the free version, the configuration assistant just about drove me insane everytime I tried to boot into solaris, until I figured out how to turn it off.
After all, it makes really good sense that an operating system made by sun would run better on hardware made by sun. I have a ultra 10 box running solaris 9 performing mail, dns,etc... services
The first time I installed it (before I had my ultra 10 box) registered everything in the systsem except the soundcard...go figure. 
On top of that SUN Microsystems is kind of exspensive hardware but hell I only got it for hobby level fun.
April 15th, 2004, 03:39 AM
Sgear17, why don't you try an ftp download? Then you can download only the apps. that you want.
April 15th, 2004, 01:06 PM
thanks for the help and the site ,!mitationRust is there any other trouble that you had encounter using Solaris OS ? aside from booting slowly...well i try to dwnload it but is there any other site that you can dwnload a unix OS that can easily fit on a single 1.44 floppy disk?tracing the history of unix os they distibutributed a copy that fit in a single disk long time ago.. does is there any copy that exist?
April 16th, 2004, 12:46 AM
Senior Member
Depending on what you mean by a couple of diskettes, you can get zipslack, which will fit on about 30 and will run on your DOS computer without the need to format.
Otherwise, try this thread: http://www.antionline.com/showthread...hreadid=256712
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