April 20th, 2004, 10:18 PM
Junior Member
April 20th, 2004, 11:59 PM
1. You had better check that the CPU and case fans are working properly, and clean.
2. Did you build this machine yourself? or have it built for you? or is it a "brand name"?.....like was silver thermal compound used.....was ANY thermal compound used?
3. What is the "max" temperature your BIOS allows?
It should handle up to about 70c withou cut out..............shouldn't get that hot though...........
What actually happens?, does it switch off, freeze, or just re-boot?
Need a bit more info
April 21st, 2004, 12:11 AM
Junior Member
The max temp setting goes up to 90C, when it nearly getting to 50, it will slow down or freeze or when install some software temp hit 50 it restart. Just can't go any higher. Thermal compound was used, used alcohol to clean the fan and heat sink.....
My system is a DIY...
April 21st, 2004, 01:55 PM
hi there,
firstly why you think is heating problem?
is this happening from day one when you finish building your pc?
if you set up max which is 90C pc would not restart when raeach 50C.
do you have in your BIOS setting so you can check your temp?
if you do when system freeze i would restart it and go in bios to see what acctual temp is.maybe freeze on 50C but go up very high.
(i had xp1800 on asus motherboard and my contstant temp was from 46-56C and pc never restarted)
have build a new one since then with xp 2600 (tm)XP with a new asus motherboard and temp sits around 30 C
As nihil said check your fans open the case and check if your cpu fan is working.
which cpufan you have on it ?is it one which comes with xp2600?i heard they are not good enough-personally never tried them.
as amd cpu generate lot of heat i put vulcano 7+ which has 3 speed controler and never had problem.
i would definitly suspect your fan not working?
try power supply because they can be a real cause of restart.
have a look this will help you little bit with cpu specs,Case=obj(1224)
good luck hope it helps
April 21st, 2004, 03:19 PM
I think unvi$ible and I are having the same doubts, as we both feel that your machine should continue to operate well above 50c, given that you have set the MAX temperature to 90c
I would recommend that you IMMEDIATELY reset that to 65 or 70................we don't want to fry the MoBo as a seperate exercise now do we
1. Check that the power supply is an AMD approved one........they generally have a label on them, but I would have imagined you did that when you built it?
2. Is there plenty of space around your hard drives? run the box with the case off and wait for the restart. Then ground youself on the bare metal case and touch the top of yhe HDD..............if it hurts, then it is too damn hot!.......you will bneed an extra fan or purpose made hard drive bay with built in fan (they cost around $15) Stale air around HDDs is frequently a problem, particularly where you have two of them mounted close together.
3. What is the make of memory, cheap and nasty memory is often a cause of "strange happenings" can you try the machine with a different strip? Also does it feel very hot? (GROUND YOURSELF!)
Am I right in assuming that it is a timing thing..............it restarts after a certain amount of time?
4. Check the time it takes to restart event. Then let the machine cool down, get the room as cool as you can, and get a domestic/office fan and have that blowing over the MoBo with the case off. Try the timing test again.
If there is not a noticeable difference between the time to restart, then it does not sound like temperature to me........more like it happens after 15 minutes by which time the temperature just happens to have reached 50c? a coincidence?
Another thing that makes me doubt the temperature is that the machine restarts. Temperature problems should make it shut down completely until it cools down some?
OK, lets get those hardware issues looked at, then we can start on software if we still have a problem.
April 21st, 2004, 05:39 PM
Junior Member
Sorry for the late reply.... for your info i'm using Volcano 7 too.... all the fan in the are working fine..... The power supply it AMD approved(Antec true power 420W), RAM "Kingston Value..." Extra fan have been mount on the harddisk (Maxtor 80GB with 8MB buffer). Try everything...... The software given by MSI track the temp in my unit. when i monitor while i do something, temp hit 50c and restart or freeze......
April 21st, 2004, 06:19 PM
Try the timing test and let us know if it runs for longer?.......there is a fan in the power supply, is that ok.............suck it through with a domestic vacuum cleaner...........could be a power supply problem when IT overheats?, otherwise dry joints on the motherboard.
Kingston is very high quality memory, so that goes to the bottom of the list for the moment
If it allways goes off after a certain periond of time, or thereabouts I would say software, so lets make a start on that angle?
1. Go into BIOS (that is "setup" when your machine boots) and go into "Power Management" turn OFF all power saving options, you want the machine set to be ON all the time....screen, hard drive and the rest.
2. Boot into windows and go into your "display manager" and switch off the screensaver, and any power management options there...........we want the machine set to run all the time........no "snooze" or anything like that.
I have seen these features cause problems on many occasions
3. Have you any "trial software" that has now pased its trial period? If you have, you should go into Safe Mode and uninstall it (the reminder popups can cause machines to crash.....in fact I have had two incidences of that so far this week!!!)
4. Boot your machine into safe mode .............does it still restart.................if it does not, I would say that your problem is almost certainly software, rather than hardware.
After this we have the "malware elimination phase"
I appologise that this is taking so long! unfortunately the causes are so varied that we have to do a lot of tests to eliminate the possibilities.
Let us know how you get on
April 21st, 2004, 08:10 PM
Junior Member
otherwise dry joints? Don't quite understand. sorry! Currently, system can run normally when downloading for 2 to 3 day without any problem. But when it totally loaded, that it. If i try to overclock it, back to square one again. What you have mention i have try quite sometime ago... What kind of power supply would you be recommending? Cause my PS unit only used for 3 month...
April 21st, 2004, 08:51 PM
The power supply seems OK from a specification viewpoint.
"Dry joints" are soldered connections, there are hundreds of them on a motherboard, if one is cracked, temperature changes can cause erractic behaviour due to contact being made or broken.
But when it totally loaded, that it. If i try to overclock it, back to square one again. What you have mention i have try quite sometime ago
I am not too sure what you mean
1. When it is totally loaded
2. What do you mean by try to overclock it?............how do you do that? what do you do?
If it runs OK for 2 days and then fails then that does not sound like temperature. More some sort of resource issue or software conflict?
What is the operating system?
By downloading for two days...........do you mean that the machine is on constantly?
April 21st, 2004, 09:09 PM
Junior Member
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