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Thread: avatars

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    I was wondering how I might use my own custom avatar. Is this allowed and if so how is it accomplished?
    A sensible, moral, well-bred man will not affront me; and no other can.~~~~~~~~~Ne Humani Alianum Puto

  2. #2
    Elite Hacker
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Originally posted here by DeadAddict
    You have to have 10 posts and be registered for 10 days and to upload a custom avatar
    On the main page after you log in scroll to the bottom and click on edit site options and at the bottom of the screen Click on avatar creation Utility(If you need to have it resized) and then click on browse to search your hardrive for the avatar next click on send and then from there it will be the correct size on your harddrive the next thing you do is upload the one that has been resized by A.O and there you go

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Ugh, sorry. I thought I had looked well enough for the answer to this question. Apparently not. I shall now go have myself flogged and then I will read every FAQ and every post. Thank you for your patience.
    A sensible, moral, well-bred man will not affront me; and no other can.~~~~~~~~~Ne Humani Alianum Puto

  4. #4
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom: Bridlington
    I shall now go have myself flogged
    Oi! this is AO, you are not supposed to enjoy yourself...............anyway, what about the PVC thighboots and fishnet stockings? to have a bit of professionalism round here

    I had better shut up now before I attract MarkBoyle to this thread


  5. #5
    The Doctor Und3ertak3r's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    where is mark ?..

    has he found another girl ie a serious relationship..
    or has he done something realy stoopid this time..
    I mean worse than finding him self in a serious relationship.... I hope not.. my kiwi mates had lined up their fav Ewe's for him if he ever gets out to OZ

    "Consumer technology now exceeds the average persons ability to comprehend how to use it..give up hope of them being able to understand how it works." - Me

  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Mmmmmm.....PVC fishboots.
    A sensible, moral, well-bred man will not affront me; and no other can.~~~~~~~~~Ne Humani Alianum Puto

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I had better shut up now before I attract MarkBoyle to this thread
    To Late. Its like a wire tap that picks up on things. Fish nets is one of em !

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