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Thread: Books!!!!!!

  1. #1


    Hay everybody....
    i have created this thread because i (and maybe some other people) would like some recomendations on books that would help us better advance ourselfs within the security feald.

    please post the name of the book or books, and who its by. then tell what the reader should pick up from it......


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    TCP/IP Illustrated by W. Richard Stevens. You can buy it from amazon here or I think most Barnes and Nobles stores have it, I can't recall. It basically paraphrases the RFC for each of the protocols in it, which is VERY useful. Rather than reading 120 pages on TCP and knowing everything about it, you can read 25 pages and have a pretty good understanding of it.

  3. #3
    Doc d00dz Attackin's Avatar
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    Digital Fortress!!! By Dan Brown. This book you can't put down. A must read!
    First you listen, then you do, finally you teach.
    Duck Hunting Chat

  4. #4
    The Oreilly SAFE book (I bought mine for $5 plus $3 dollar shipping on EBAY)

  5. #5
    Malware: Fighting Malicious Code by Ed Skoudis

    It explains what malware is and how it works (analysis and disection) and practical ways of how to protect yourself from it. The book is geared toward system admins, network admins, and security analysts/etc. It is by no means light in technical detail - it's 600+ pages of good details.

    Just my .02

  6. #6
    The books in my library... or actually a very large table with computers and books on it. The kinda table that you'd normally see at thanks-giveing and various parties. Anyways laying around on it is:

    The Korn Shell
    Basic - A problem solving approach (Made in the 80s. Funny "future" codeing concepts & technology)
    Unix in a nutshell
    C++ primer plus
    Learning redhat (If your a *nix noob then this kicks ass...)
    essential system administration
    introduction to local area networks
    troubleshooting & repairing PCs (Yet another classic from the 1980s... it rocks)
    VB6 step by step (Don't really use VB books anymore but when you run into problems its nice to have)
    VB6 Application Development
    Teach yourself VC++6
    Some hacking exposed books (get the web application and linux editions... the original hacking exposed is mainly just small introductions to thier other books.)

    I am also now collecting a very large assortment of various source code, examples, & tutorials on MASM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Pacific Northwest
    Well I definitely went on a spree awhile back cause I wanted to find out how the bad guys were doing it:

    Counter Hack
    Hack Proofing Linux
    Hack Attacks Testing
    Hack Attacks Revealed
    Hacking Exposed (Set)
    Maximum Linux Security
    Hiding in Plain Sight
    Hacker's Challenge 1 & 2
    Personal Firewalls
    Schildt's Complete Ref: C & C++
    HTML & XHTML - Oreilly
    and more......

    There was some duplication in the first part of the list, but the examples varied significantly.

    Books on my list to get: Building Secure Servers with Linux, Practical Unix & Internet Security and the Real World Linux Security.

  8. #8
    Dont want to seem lame or n00b, but the dummies books provide a nice, basic approach and let you build yourself up to more advanced topics and more expensive books

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Anything O'Reily. They are just downright good! Pick a service that you want to learn more about and grab one.
    You shall no longer take things at second or third hand,
    nor look through the eyes of the dead...You shall listen to all
    sides and filter them for your self.
    -Walt Whitman-

  10. #10
    T3h 1337 N00b kryptonic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Seattle, Washington.
    well lets see i got....

    Sams tech yourself HTML and XHTML in 10 min
    Learning Python by O'Reilly
    Building Linux Clusters by O'Reilly
    Perl for dummies
    The book of IRC
    Sams teach yourself Linux programming in 24 hours (box set- It comes with a linux programming book and a C++ book)

    i got more but that involves getting up and going to another room and i dont feel like doing that right now


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