A Belgian company named I.KNOW has developed a new technology that makes the bridge between knowledge, computers and language. They developped a piece of software that makes it able to develop intelligent search programs.
Now if you use Google or similar the search engine simply searches for the words you typed. The 'computer logic' has no idea what you are searching, there's no AI in Google.

Iknow has a sophisticated way to introduce intelligence into computer logic. It has an enormous database with logical relations in human terms and reflected into logical computer understandable terms, these terms are translated into human sentences.
Something like company A is the owner of B translated into A owns B
or A is the father of B this is linked to other relations and sentences like B is the child of A, offcourse if you combine sentences and relations you could get the result from B is the child of A and is male, this would give something like B is the son of A as output from the software. This is human a like thinking.

In a way to test / proof their program the inventors feed it with texts about Al Qaida and they were very very surprised cause the program has given them a link between an American company and Al Qaida they never heard of and not mentioned in the texts, offcourse a human can do the same by reading the texts carefully and taking notes, concluding that A has something to do with B and that B has something to do with C and B also with D concluding A is linked to D, but with this kind of software searching the web or analysing texts or other kinds of inputs (speech, video, ...) has a completly other dimension.
