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Thread: Gui And Debian

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Gui And Debian

    Just wondering, for the installation for Debian, does it have an easy navigation GUI (Graphic User Interface). like the windows installation does?
    As im about to install Debian for the first time, and i know that i'm gonna get stuck or stuff something up if i have to type everything in.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    So far every *nix distro I have installed has a GUI for install and desktop. The only distro that I ran into so far that wasn't very gui oriented was slackware, however I started out with a bad foot when I tried slack.

    I just installed fedora core, and that was all GUI. I would say that you are pretty safe at assumming that debian has a GUI.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2004
    Ok thankyou. I'm now feeling a little more confident installing this new 0s on my computer without ruining everything.


  4. #4
    Antionline Herpetologist
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    Actually, no. Last time I checked Debian did not have a GUI installer (looking at the site reveals that it still doesn't). Debian, Slackware and Gentoo are probably the only three distributions that haven't ditched their old text based installers for spiffy new graphical ones. However, I like my installers text based. Saves a lot of mouse movement .

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  5. #5
    AO Antique pwaring's Avatar
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    Debian doesn't have a GUI-based installer, unless you use a variant such as Libranet (which does I think). As cgkanchi points out, Slackware and Gentoo still have text-based installers (and Gentoo makes you to do *everything* by hand - including manually partitioning disks, but in fairness the documentation is unsurpassed for this), every other distro I have ever used has a GUI.
    Paul Waring - Web site design and development.

  6. #6
    Senior Member gore's Avatar
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    I made a tutorial on installing Libranet. It has somewhat of a GUI install, then goes into text only. Debian on the other hand, has one of the shittiest installations ever. I had more fun installing DOS last year. Debian really should update the installer to not suck, and while they are at it, update the damned software, as most of it is about 2 years old.

  7. #7
    Trumpet-Eared Gentoo Freak
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    Debian, Slackware and Gentoo are probably the only three distributions that haven't ditched their old text based installers for spiffy new graphical ones. However, I like my installers text based. Saves a lot of mouse movement .
    Yay, and let it stay this way, please ...

    Gentoo makes you to do *everything* by hand - including manually partitioning disks, but in fairness the documentation is unsurpassed for this), every other distro I have ever used has a GUI.
    Well all people that fail to install Gentoo are just non-RTFM'ers, cause gentoo may just be the best supported and documented projects.
    The GUI's itself are on top of the distro documenting very good documented on their specific project sites,
    like KDE, Gnome, fluxbox, ... etc.
    Just don't take the easy way out, If you want Debian, certainly get debian, and keep trying and fixing your gui yourself by reading and rtfm-ing. Theres plenty support on manual GUI installs.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member gore's Avatar
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    Originally posted here by .: Shrekkie :.
    Well all people that fail to install Gentoo are just non-RTFM'ers, cause gentoo may just be the best supported and documented projects.
    The GUI's itself are on top of the distro documenting very good documented on their specific project sites,
    like KDE, Gnome, fluxbox, ... etc.
    Just don't take the easy way out, If you want Debian, certainly get debian, and keep trying and fixing your gui yourself by reading and rtfm-ing. Theres plenty support on manual GUI installs.
    Actually, with documentation, you should know by now first hand that BSD and SuSE are very hard to beat. Open BSD has some of the best documentation on Earth.

    I used to like Debian. I think the lack of updates in 2 years on the servers for apt-get, and the bastard community who will stab you if you dare say Debian isn't the best.


    Watch that end up on some Debian forum with more flames than Woodstock '99.

  9. #9
    Antionline Herpetologist
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    Not to turn this into a Distro War, but I agree. It's better than Gentoo, SuSe and the BSD's too while you're at it . Slackware+SWARET rox0rs.


    PS: For those who don't get it, the Slackware plug is directed at Gore (who defends SuSe to death) and Shrekkie/Neel (who defend Gentoo) to the death. Me and the_JinX are slack dudes.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member gore's Avatar
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    I use Slackware too. SuSE is of course the best, but Slackware is a good second. Gentoo is a BSD rip off. Now, CG, why do you have a Redhat Avater? Or is it a joke to mean white hat because it's white?

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