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Thread: AO CS Server

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2003

    AO CS Server

    Whats going on with the server? It's not responding in Steam, and on the server stats are a little wierd? Whats going on?

    \"Look, Doc, I spent last Tuesday watching fibers on my carpet. And the whole time I was watching my carpet, I was worrying that I, I might vomit. And the whole time, I was thinking, \"I\'m a grown man. I should know what goes on my head.\" And the more I thought about it... the more I realized that I should just blow my brains out and end it all. But then I thought, well, if I thought more about blowing my brains out... I start worrying about what that was going to do to my goddamn carpet. Okay, so, ah-he, that was a GOOD day, Doc. And, and I just want you to give me some pills and let me get on with my life. \" -Roy Waller

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2003

    AO CS Server

    Whats going on with the server? It's not responding in Steam, and on the server stats are a little wierd? Whats going on?

    \"Look, Doc, I spent last Tuesday watching fibers on my carpet. And the whole time I was watching my carpet, I was worrying that I, I might vomit. And the whole time, I was thinking, \"I\'m a grown man. I should know what goes on my head.\" And the more I thought about it... the more I realized that I should just blow my brains out and end it all. But then I thought, well, if I thought more about blowing my brains out... I start worrying about what that was going to do to my goddamn carpet. Okay, so, ah-he, that was a GOOD day, Doc. And, and I just want you to give me some pills and let me get on with my life. \" -Roy Waller

  3. #3
    AO Decepticon CXGJarrod's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    The server was down yesterday. (Time to kick our hosts @ss Cheyenne) As far as I know Cheyenne cannot get into the server for some reason. He has probably contacted our host to find out what is going on...
    N00b> STFU i r teh 1337 (english: You must be mistaken, good sir or madam. I believe myself to be quite a good player. On an unrelated matter, I also apparently enjoy math.)

  4. #4
    AO Decepticon CXGJarrod's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    The server was down yesterday. (Time to kick our hosts @ss Cheyenne) As far as I know Cheyenne cannot get into the server for some reason. He has probably contacted our host to find out what is going on...
    N00b> STFU i r teh 1337 (english: You must be mistaken, good sir or madam. I believe myself to be quite a good player. On an unrelated matter, I also apparently enjoy math.)

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Memphis, TN
    yeah yeah your all just a bunch of whiners!!!! lol

    Actually the current server will be down for good in I think 4 days now.

    The new IP is 26 player server

    This one is on a dual P4 2.4ghz xeon,
    1 GB ECC server ram
    1 80 GB hard drive
    10mbit data port served by OC-192 lines
    and Red Hate Enterprise 3.0

    The server.html file at the site will continue to show the server down until I update the server spy html code. soon hopefully. lol

    Also TS servers will be changin IP's as well.

    I could get in the server, it was just that I couldn't get the damn thing to run as a daemon so I could close my putty window. lol

  6. #6
    Trumpet-Eared Gentoo Freak
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Is there also a Battlefield Vietnam AO Clan ?

    I could get in the server, it was just that I couldn't get the damn thing to run as a daemon so I could close my putty window. lol
    If your server is on linux take a look @ screen. This proggie let's you run things on the serverside, and lets you attach or deattach to or from it remotely.
    I use it alot on my irc-server, works great.
    Come and check out our wargame-site @
    We chat @ #lobby

  7. #7
    AO Decepticon CXGJarrod's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted here by .: Shrekkie :.
    [B]Is there also a Battlefield Vietnam AO Clan ?
    I believe we only have a Battlefield 1942 clan started right now.
    N00b> STFU i r teh 1337 (english: You must be mistaken, good sir or madam. I believe myself to be quite a good player. On an unrelated matter, I also apparently enjoy math.)

  8. #8
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Memphis, TN
    Sorry to bring this thread back up, but yes shrekkie there is a BF:V.

    Its not AO, but its a second clan that I started for BF:V and BF: DC.

    Its called -{AR}- Killing Zone its a 32 player server hosted on the same box.
    Site for the BF: DC and BF: V is
    IP for BF:V =

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