May 11th, 2004, 02:18 PM
Senior Member
Newbies : How to Ask Questions
Dedicated to the newbies...
This text will hopefully tell you how to ask questions, what questions to ask, and what not to ask. I'm also a newbie here, and I expect the seniors' support.
A - Some tips in asking questions...
You want to ask a question in a forum? Try to make sure it matches up with these criteria:
1) You have searched the google (www.google.com) and haven't found satisfactory answers your question.
2) The question has not been asked time and time again (Use the AO search feature).
3) You do not offend anyone.
4) You do give evidence that you have actually researched it (eg within the post try to include information which you do know, links to good tutorials about it, and websites). Then you are likely to get more responds, and more satisfactory answers.
5) You dont use this so-called 1337 $p34|<. Its just plain annoying.
6) Give as much information as possible when asking technical questions of any kind (eg Operating system, Spec of machine, other relevent details and what you do actually know).
B - Dont Ask...
Antionline is site where one is supposed to learn and teach simultaneously. AntiOnline is NOT a place for script kiddies. Here are certain questions you should not ask:
1) Anything to do with SubSeven, or hacking hotmail, or any other lame bullsh*t .
2) Never use the phrase "Please dont neg me, I'm just a newbie", or post "Did I deserve those negs ?? "
3) Do not act like you want to be spoon fed. Most of the members don't have time to teach u everything from the scratch.
4) Dont ask questions like "Can I really h4x0r my school and make the sprinklers go off whenever I want like in that really 1337 movie Hackers?"
5) Dont ask questions like "How do I hack into a computer?" There will be simply no answer for you. U'll end up in negs and finally the thread committing suicide.
6) You are not asking questions about how to hack hotmail, or how to hack using a trojan or any other pre-packaged "hacking" programme
Don't be afraid to ask a question, as long as you ask nicely, then you will probably be fine. You must have a thirst for knowledge, and you should put in that little bit of extra effort to learn something. People are always willing to help you.
PS. Suggestions and feedback is appreciated.
May 11th, 2004, 03:10 PM
THere were a lot of similra tutorials like this one, i didnt see anything new and refreshing, but not bad info though.
May 11th, 2004, 03:46 PM
6) Give as much information as possible when asking technical questions of any kind (eg Operating system, Spec of machine, How long you have been hacking for, and what you do actually know).
7) Miss using, or over using catch words.
\"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand - strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO - What a Ride!\"
Author Unknown
May 11th, 2004, 05:32 PM
Senior Member
Thanx moxnix. I've corrected it.
/edit: I think I haven't searched properly before writing this one. On a glance at www.neg.be/index/ , I didn't find a link leading to such a tutorial. Thats what made me write this one.
May 11th, 2004, 06:11 PM
I think I haven't searched properly before writing this one. On a glance at www.neg.be/index/ , I didn't find a link leading to such a tutorial. Thats what made me write this one.
Probably because it wasn't done as a tutorial but rather as a main read/FAQ: http://www.antionline.com/forumdispl...?s=&forumid=48 <--- look at the stickies here. And if you are going to search, try the Search feature. While Neg's index is good (makes it easy for quick, known finds) if there is something unique or specific, AO's Search feature might be more apropos.
May 11th, 2004, 06:20 PM
Senior Member
aw.k. Thanx I'll remember that MsM.
May 11th, 2004, 06:48 PM
Hi XNikon.. some good points you made there
I just wanted to point out that a good friend of mine posted a similar tutorial.. and a fairly in depth one at that.
Asking smart questions - by pwaring
pwaring if you're reading this.. now that we can edit tuts (and I see that you have recently) you might want to fix this one small spelling error I just noticed..
Before you ask
Before you ask any question, there are a numver of avenues....
May 12th, 2004, 05:49 PM
Senior Member
I've tried to make this one presice so that new members needn't spend much time reading all heaviy paragraphs...
May 16th, 2004, 09:51 PM
pwaring if you're reading this.. now that we can edit tuts (and I see that you have recently) you might want to fix this one small spelling error I just noticed..
Fixed. Thanks for the head's up.
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