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Thread: XP Logon

  1. #1

    Question XP Logon

    Someone got onto my computer and obviously changed some things. At the logon screen, it won't take my password which I usually just hit cancel and log on. Is there a way to bypass this logon screen to get into windows xp.

  2. #2
    Macht Nicht Aus moxnix's Avatar
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    Yes actually there are several ways to bypass the correct login. But I'm sorry, I am not going to tell you them.

    The reason is that I don't know you. This was your first post and you are asking me (or anyone) to help you crack a computer I have no way of knowing that belongs to you.

    AO is primarily a security site. We help people secure their computers against crackers and not help crackers to get into them. Now I am not saying that you are such a person. I don't know. And, there is no way you can convince me -- on the internet-- that you are the owner and have the right to bypass the login of that machine.

    What I will suggest, is that you take your computer to a repratable computer shop, and they can get you into it very easily. Probably at very little charge. There are also several cracker sites on the internet, whom would be happy to help you out. This is just not one of them.

    Hint = google search can provide you the answer you seek.
    \"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand - strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO - What a Ride!\"
    Author Unknown

  3. #3
    being a cracker or not, I think I will explain a few ways to setup passwords on XP.

    First and easiest: Open the "user accounts" program from the control panel and click the user who you want to add a password to. Then click "create a password" at this time you can add a password and a password hint, then select if you want to make your files private or not (admin only I think). Now anyone who wants to use that profile should, but it is windows, need to enter a password. At this time you can also "change the way users log on or off" and disable the welcome screen and fast user switching. With the welcome screen disabled you will (should) get a window at boot for a username and password.

    Second way: Open a run box and type "control userpasswords2". You can use this window to add passwords to accounts, and most importantly create a password for the administrator account (if not change the name and group of said profile, but i've had mild success). For a little more security (at least microsoft says so, i highly doubt this really matters outside of trojans) select the advanced tab and check the box next to "Require users to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete"

    Yay, you have now learned how to setup passwords. Any hacker worth his workstation, be it white or black hat, can take this information, look around, and find the answer to your question.

    BTW: I think I got this info from Windows XP security by microsoft press.
    You are so bored that you are reading my signature?

  4. #4
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
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    1. Login as Administrator and change the password (see post above)

    2. I think you mean "enter" not "cancel"...............if you is XP you are running? Actually, my version has the cancel button greyed out? This tells me that you were running a user account with a blank you have now discovered, that is NOT a good idea.

    3. Now comes the worst bit..................your machine has been owned by a malicious party, you have no idea of what has been put on it during that period..............the only safe thing is to save anything important, reformat the HDD, then reinstall XP, then apply all the Service packs and patches, then harden the system.............several useful tutorials on this site on how to do that.

    Use secure passwords, write them down, and keep them in a safe place..............remember, for day to day use it is not a good idea to be logged on with Administrator rights.

    Good luck


    1. Get the free Microsoft Security Update CD and run it.
    2. Install a firewall BEFORE you go on the net for updates

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Re: XP Logon

    Hey Hey,

    I was going to disregard this thread, however I figured I'd make a little comment. I'm glad that nihil caught the fact that there is no cancel, however I don't come to the same conclusion as he does.

    Originally posted here by sirmills
    Someone got onto my computer and obviously changed some things. At the logon screen, it won't take my password which I usually just hit cancel and log on. Is there a way to bypass this logon screen to get into windows xp.
    To be greated by the "classic" logon screen in Windows XP, you have to change a few things, otherwise you get the big GUI splashscreen/logon. Somehow if this person is running without a password, I doubt they'd have the intelligence to know how to change it from the default splashscreen. Which means that all they would do is click on a little Icon with their name if they had no password and it would log them in, if they had a password, a text box would appear and they would type it in and click "ok" or press enter. Again no cancel anywhere to be seen. The cancel to log in is, of course, a Windows 9X thing. Since this person is knew, with a single post under their belt, and asking a question like this... I've formed my own hypothesis. They only have experience with Windows 9x and suddenly at school they got these new XP machines. Now they want to be able to access them without permission and are trying to social engineer us into giving them info on how to beat/obtain the password.

    Here's my suggestion to you sirmills: Stop being a script kiddie and grow up. If this is a legit request, I suggest you look into ERD Commander from It's pricy, but it's definately worth the money.


  6. #6
    just boot from floppy and rename the SAM file, it can be found in the windows\system32\config folder....

    b.t.w. if you did a search for this problem on this site, you would have found lots of solutions...

    for instance my tutorial

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    there is -=NO WAY=- to bypass the XP logon screen to use the windows gui. it takes someone with administrator privilages or yourself if you has been given permission, to change the password. someone who cracked into your machine would have to obtain admin/system privilages to do this...tell the administrator because there is allot more to worry about than your stupid password if thats the case. otherwise whats on your girlfriends, classmates, brothers or sisters computer is none of your dammed concern.

    or its possibe you've been an ******* and had your account disabled and you wish to continue to be an *******. if thats the case their are ways to create an account on the computer if yours has been disabled or reset the password if you actually had an account or were using someone else's and it was deliberatly changed to keep you out but there is no fix for being an *******.
    Bukhari:V3B48N826 “The Prophet said, ‘Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.’”

  8. #8
    Senior Member linuxcomando's Avatar
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    You know there if your password was blank and it was your computer, then more than likley the administrator password is blank too.......
    if you have the normal xp home logon page ( the one with all the pretty icons....)
    Press control-alt-delete twice and it will bring you to a standard logon screen where it will ask you to type in a username and password, try administrator with no password.......
    I toor\'d YOU!

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Originally posted here by linuxcomando
    You know there if your password was blank and it was your computer, then more than likley the administrator password is blank too.......
    if you have the normal xp home logon page ( the one with all the pretty icons....)
    Press control-alt-delete twice and it will bring you to a standard logon screen where it will ask you to type in a username and password, try administrator with no password.......
    Yeah, that's good advice because my friend had something similiar to it happen to his XP machine and he did that. If I may add to Nihil's "List of Hint's":

    1. Create a safe, hard to crack password.
    2. Include mixed character's (e.g: jl3h5kk3) to make it more difficult to crack or have guessed.
    3. Be inventive: if you got a mom named sally and she's pregnant at 41 yrs with two kids already or something like that make it something to that nature such as (momsall4121mo). Now what I said was momsally41yearsold2kids1more just shortened and better let's see someone crack those when you make it inventive.
    4. Remember it, by all mean's. Make it something you remember. Write it down and say it 100 times and get it caught in your brain. I remember all my passwords in my head (thankfully) despite them being hard because I studied them. If you can't remember them, keep them in an EXTREMELY safe place. Pretend it's money for god sake's.

    Hope I helped
    Space For Rent.. =]

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Ya know, I had what I thought was a simple problem and asked if any of you geeks had a solution. None of you did. All that nerdiness. Is it really worth the lack of pussy to sit and post this **** all day? I thought you people only existed on T.V. Thanks for nothin'.

    wow im touched! thank you! but as for the lack of p????.....well i got you, cause thats what im calling your ass.
    Bukhari:V3B48N826 “The Prophet said, ‘Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.’”

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