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Thread: Rumsfeld responsible for Abu Ghraib?

  1. #1
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    Rumsfeld responsible for Abu Ghraib?

    The New Yorker is about to fully release its newest piece by Seymour Hersch (the journalist responsible for, along with CBS, breaking the first Abu Ghraib-stories) - it's supposed to be published tomorrow, but the story is already on their website.


    Last week:
    Rumsfeld, before Congress to testify about Abu Ghraib: “Any suggestion that there is not a full, deep awareness of what has happened, and the damage it has done, I think, would be a misunderstanding.”

    A senior C.I.A. official interviewed by Hersch: “Some people think you can bullshit anyone.”

    According to Hersch's sources, the Abu Ghraib incidents aren't isolated incidents. The soldiers committing the {methods of interrogation/attrocities/your own term here} handled so because they were told to... by Rumsfeld himself.
    The {methods of interrogation/attrocities/your own term here} are part of a decision approved by Mr. Rumsfeld. A decision to expand secret operations originally approved to hunt down Al Qaeda, to the Iraqi prisons.

    Full Story.

    Can't wait for reactions...

    Edit: first reactions...

    Reuters: Pentagon calls claims "outlandish", and seeks to quash Rumsfeld report

  2. #2
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    Yeah, I saw this on the new's. Personally, I don't like Rumsfield and think's he does a piss port job of Defense Secretary. BUT, I think the claims that are being made such as "He endorsed it" or "He told the solider's to abuse them" or "He encouraged the abuse" is a little too far-fetched. I think it's a little bit ludicrous of a claim, but I dunno.. Interesting nonetheless.

    Now if he really did tell the solider's to use those "method's" or whatever you wanna call them to get information (or for the sick fun, if that's what he wanted) then I honestly don't know what to say other than he should be shot, stabbed, and hung all at the same time. I mean but seriously, if he did then he should be put to trial along with them as an accompliss to harrassment (or whatever the charges are that are filed against the soliders).
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  3. #3
    Senior Member OverdueSpy's Avatar
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    If the accusation is true then I agree with Spyder32, however I would have him drawn and quartered. Much more painful and enduring than simply hanging or stabbing.

    This does bring up one concern that I have noticed within the Demorcatic party in America, and that concern revolves around all of the investigations that are occurning, directed at Republicans or Entities that are associated with Big Business, govermental Big Brother, and military personas. It often seems to me that, to the Democrats, it is not really an issue of are the accusations true, rather they seem to be concerned about how serious the accusation is, no matter how absurd. Is the accusation possible (YES), is the accusation probably (NO). Unless you live your life under tha auspice of a continual "conspiracy theory" you should be able to weigh the probability against the possibility and come to a logical conclusion, Not hear a serious but ludicrous charge, and then start screaming that the sky is falling. Investigate, determine the facts, then pass judgement. Democrats are always willing to defend the "innocent until proven guilty" standard in America's court systems. Especially when it comes to drug dealers, murders, rapists, Martha Stewartists , and so forth. Why can't the Democratic party extend this concept into all of these so called "Scandals?" Oh well, I guess that's politics.
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  4. #4
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    Overdue..its just politics the repubs did the same thing with clinton.

    As for rumsfeild, I would realy like to see taht list of
    "interagation" methods that needed his personal approval....something tells me this guy should be handed over t othe hauge
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  5. #5
    Senior Member OverdueSpy's Avatar
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    Originally posted here by bballad
    Overdue..its just politics the repubs did the same thing with clinton.

    As for rumsfeild, I would realy like to see taht list of
    "interagation" methods that needed his personal approval....something tells me this guy should be handed over t othe hauge
    The Situation was different for Clinton though. Lewenski was a byproduct of the lawsuit against Clinton for sexual harassment, if my memory serves me correctly. What the Republicans became all up in arms about, was the President Clinton being caught lying under oath. Not that Republicans have not been caught doing the same thing in the past. It is true that the Republicans did attack Clinton over Lewenski, but this was a natural progression of outrage over sexual misconduct after Clinton's admittance of guilt. With Rumsfeld all you have accusations of his condoning the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners, not an admission of guilt. If Rumsfeld is caught lying then he is fair game, otherwise the Left needs to keep the playing field level until something more concrete than accusations are revealed.
    The mentally handicaped are persecuted in this great country, and I say rightfully so! These people are NUTS!!!!

  6. #6
    Senior Member RoadClosed's Avatar
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    What I don't get is why the hunt for political blood? Hell the **** that went down was under investigation LONG before the press supposedly broke the story.
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  7. #7
    HeadShot Master N1nja Cybr1d's Avatar
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    because Kerry is weak and they need everything they can to get more votes.

  8. #8
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    yes im sure when rumsfeld ok'd it, which im sure he did and with good reason, he also added that he wanted men to masturbate and act like queers in front of the enemy and woman to pull trains. oh yeah! and take lots of pictures of it all for the press.
    Bukhari:V3B48N826 “The Prophet said, ‘Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.’”

  9. #9
    Macht Nicht Aus moxnix's Avatar
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    Originally posted here by Cybr1d
    because Kerry is weak and they need everything they can to get more votes.
    No, it is so you will yell and scream that the <enter your party of choise> are better, and that the <enter party of choise> are the root cause of <enter situation>. Its an election year.

    They don't want you to notice that gasoline is at record highs ($2.25 per gallon) and climbing higher. They don't want you to realize that you have virtually lost all of the 'Bill of Rights'. They don't want you to notice that unemployement is setting records again.

    They want you to focas on the 'Great American Circus'.....politics.

    Edit- and both parties are at fault.
    \"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Champagne in one hand - strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO - What a Ride!\"
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  10. #10
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    I gotta agree with moxnix about both parties being at fault and I also gotta agree that they don't want you to notice alot of the thing's wrong in America these days (such as unemployment, gasoline prices, poverty, etc). These are key issue's that need to be paid more attention because I care more about our countries problem's then another countries. But no, the U.S has to be the last priority and the world come's before us. It's pretty sad..
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