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Thread: Need opinions on site design

  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    pooh sun tzu, your site says it is for home or business users, so take it from a home user. The layout does look good. Hopefully the load time is cut in half, I don't think a user that is on dialup will want to wait for that. If I had not read the other posts, I would have missed the page numbers, and gone on to another site, because I could not navigate from the home page. You might want to make the numbers alittle bolder? Good job, and as I said, this is comming from a home user, maybe one of your future clients.

  2. #12
    Webius Designerous Indiginous
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Florida
    Site doesn't even load for me.

  3. #13
    AO Antique pwaring's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I can't access the site either, just times out.
    Paul Waring - Web site design and development.

  4. #14
    Thanks for the tips guys:

    1. The loadtimes are large because I'm hosting it on my cable modem, which only allows 20-25ks up. Once placed on my server, it will be on a T1, and thus the download times won't just be cut in half, but in fourths. No worries

    2. The server is down because I've gathered enough opinions on it to continue working

    3. I have no idea what I will be doing for page numbers, but I do agree that it may be hard to understand if you are not looking for it. So, I'll think of how to make them more noticiable. BOLD simply won't grab attention, I don's feel, so I will look into a simple animated semi-arrow that points to that section. Noticible, but unobtrusive.

    Thanks again for the advice!

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