The school year is starting once again, and the faculty at the Wilson Engineering College are shocked to find that the supply manager has resigned. An Arnold, who had sat alone and unknown at his desk for several years, suddenly finds himself taking over supply manager position, much to the distaste of Andrew. How long will Arnold hold this job position? And why did the previous supply manager resign? And what is Andrew's job?

Read or role-play my play to find out.
Hint: It was inspired by BOFH

Well, fearing JupM's policy for material posted...I put in that small overview/teaser of the play, and will link you to my play's download page. I made it for my English 11 class, and we got to read it outloud. Anyways, it isn't too bad, so here it is... Go ahead an enjoy it, it is kind of inspired by BOFH...although it isn't quite as good as BOFH...

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